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Hey there!

This is just a little teaser for what's the come with the rewrite aka little bits and pieces of it lol

Warning, it is waaaaay more scandalous than the original and so much better. Leave your thoughts in the comments and who knows, maybe I might drop another teaser in the future ;) and maybe it might be half of a chapter ;))))))))))

Note: some parts are redacted so I can keep it mysterious for when I publish the story.
Also epilogue will be out soon<33


"Now I don't know if you think pizza is going to fix what you did, but it's not. I'm hurt. My heart is hurting." It was then the tears burst and Tuck ran to me and embraced me. I didn't even push him away because as much as I hated him, deep down I missed his touch. Deep down I still craved to be held and loved by him. Call me a masochist but I held on to that man like I was about to fall and die. My emotions were all over the place, conflicting with each other. One half of me wanted to ride him into the sunset and tell him I loved him, while the other half wanted to burn him alive.

He let me go and looked down at me, I saw his blurry brown eyes look deep into mine and he grabbed my face. Every red flag in my body went off as his lips crashed into mine, hard. My eyes were still open although his were closed, and our lips moved in sync with ease as though we were never broken up. I again didn't push him away even as his lips moved to my jaw and neck. I pulled his body as close to mine as possible and he moved us, so that he could lift me up onto my island.

At this point my mind was foggy as hell and I was confused as hell. Maybe a little bit of sex was good for me and my moving on process. My conscience was screaming at me to abort mission, but my everything else was so drawn to Tuck and familiar with his touch that I allowed him. He parted my legs and I could feel his obvious erection. He pushed his lower half into mine making me gasp. I still made him this hard? Damn.

"I'm so fucking sorry... I'm so sorry... I miss you." He said in between kissing my mouth and my shoulder. At that point, reality crashed into me and I sighed. This was wrong. It felt so very right, but god-dammnit it was wrong! I gently pushed him off of me and in response he pushed his erection harder into my crotch region.

She folded her arms and shifted her weight onto one side of her body. She was giving me the 'you're in trouble' look.

"What?" I challenged her. Her eyes were amused but in a weird way.

"Don't what me. What was that?"

"What was what?" My face visibly showed confusion.

"Don't play stupid. You and your boss..."

"What about my boss?" I hoped she wouldn't bring it up.

"Ugh. You two were flirting with each other all evening. He was practically drooling over you." She rolled her eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about. If you're referring to him calling me beautiful, that was just him being nice." That was a big fat fucking lie and we both knew it causing us both to laugh.

"I'm going to start planning your funeral because you're going to get murdered in your sleep. I'm telling you, you my friend are playing with fire."

"I am a bad bitch. We both know this." Another round of laughter filled the nearly dead street and I pull her into a goodbye hug. "I'll see you when I see you girl."

"Don't you ever raise your voice like that when you're speaking to me. Do you understand?" I shook my head and his lips were on me. He was rough and his mouth was hot. His tongue tangoed with my own and I could taste his desperation and desire. It was exciting. He pulled away and beseeched, "What do you want?" Not taking his eyes off of me. His free hand was removing his tie and unbuttoning the top of his shirt. Oh fuck, was something going to actually happen this time? What was it about a man undoing his tie that was so sexy? It was one of the most attractive things I'd ever seen a man do.

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