Chapter 4

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Such a classic song :p

So after my traumatic, business trip to Japan, I had to leave. My last day was spent filling out some paperwork, and calling Reberto—the pilot for the jet—to make sure our flight back would be an enjoyable one. I also had a one hour Skype call with my mother and my sister. I didn't tell them how unenjoyable my experience was with Mr. Krabby-Pants, but I did tell them how successful my input had been.

While I was filling out paperwork, I remembered that my sister wanted a souvenir so I left the hotel and went to a cute little tourist shoppe right down the street, obviously without my boss's permission. In it had many key chains and phone cases and cups and all that good stuff.

I found a key chain with the name 'Madison' on it, perfect for my sister because that was her name. I bought a cute mug for my mom and I also bought a little black 'Tokyo' hand band for myself. I felt like being a nice person, so I also bought a hand band for Sebastian, but on it said 'Japan' and not 'Tokyo'.

After my souvenir shopping, I headed back to the hotel to start packing up my luggage and finishing up all the paperwork. In the end, the company accepted the deal, after all the right changes were made. That made me feel special, like I did something to help when really all I did was speak out of turn, which is extremely disrespectful.

When all my dirty laundry was in one bag, completely separated from my other clothing, I walked my butt over to the bathroom. We were supposed to be leaving at around six o'clock in the afternoon, and it was around four so I had enough time to shower and get ready. I hoped and prayed that Sebastian wouldn't be back until the very last minute, somehow already bathed and dressed.

After showering, I grabbed the smaller towel I had laid out on the counter to dry my hair. I towel dried it then got the blow dryer that the hotel had readily available for my usage, and blew out my black mane. I continuously passed my blue brush through my hair and blew it out, nonchalantly singing and humming random songs that popped into my head. I even used my brush as a damn microphone—that's how immature I was.

I was mid sentence in another song when the door busts open and in walks my boss, who was shirtless and only in his Calvin briefs. My brush literally fell out of my hand as we locked eyes with each other, that uncomfortable silence slowly sweeping over us like a blanket. I had to will myself to not allow my eyes to drift downward or that would be trouble.

"Um, don't you know about knocking?" I asked grabbing my brush from the floor, my towel held tightly against my body this time.

"Instead of wanting to argue with me, can't you just get the fuck out?!" He boomed which indeed frightened me a bit.

"I wasn't the one who barged in here like nobody's business so I think you should be the one leaving!" My retort wasn't as good as I wanted it to be, but then again I wanted to keep my job. Sebastian ran his hands through his hair, leaned back on the door frame, and folded his arms on his muscular chest.

"Make me..." He said with an animalistic look in his eyes... As though he was hungry and I was his prey. I groaned loudly not wanting to deal with his childish behaviour and turned back to the mirror, brushing out my kind of curly locks. I felt his eyes on my back as I fixed myself and I really was uncomfortable.

"Can you leave? You do realize that I was occupying this bathroom first right?" I hissed out. When I got no response, I quickly turned around but right behind me was Sebastian, who had somehow manage to sneak up on me while I didn't realize it.

Between his fingers, he held a lock of my hair, and he was twirling it around. My heartbeat went through the roof as he played with the strand of hair like a little child would with his mother's.

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