Thats a Wrap

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Jo's POV

"I just want to say that every single one of you has made this expirence incredible, ill always remember the times we had working on this film. You are all near and dear to my heart." I say and then get down from the table I was standing on while everyone hugs and claps. I cant believe were already done filming After, it feels like a dream. Theres going to be an after party tonight but I don't think everyones going to be there thats why I made the speach now. As soon as I get down I hug Shane hes been my best friend throughout the making of the movie on screen and in real life, I look around for Hero so I can hug him and tell him its been amazing working with him but I can find him, hes probably in his dressing room I think so I just stand in the corner and wait. I decide to scroll through instagram on my phone and when I get there I see all these "Herophine" posts, I knew going into this people would wonder, and hope for Hero and me to be a couple in real life but the thing is were just friends, I dont think we will ever be more than that. I get off my phone and start walking around to try and find Hero. He has to be around here somewhere.

Hero's POV

"You are all near and dear to my heart." Jo says and then starts getting down from the table, I need to leave and head to my dressing room before I say something I regret. Once im in my dressing room I call one of my best mates and tell him whats going on. "Heyy Hero whats up man" Felix says I almost contemplate hanging up and just ignoring my feeling but I cant.
"Im kinda in bad shape right now." Is all I say I dont know how else to say it. "What do you mean man, did you get beat up or something? Cause if so you know me and the boys have your back." He says, im glad he's so quick to defend me but thats not the problem. "No, not physically beat up...mentally? Emotionally maybe? Idk man all I know is that were done filming and-" I say but Felix cuts me off. "Oh yeah so how was it?" He asks refering to the movie. "Good, its been one of the best expiriences I've ever had." I say. "Well then whats the problem dude?" Felix asks again. "Im having.....girl trouble." I say I dont know why I can't just talk to him about this, I guess part of me just feels like Felix wouldn't understand. "Hero? Having girl trouble?" He says and laughs. "Thats impossible, you've never had girl trouble before. Who is she?" He asks I feel a little irritated that hes laughing and making jokes but I decide not to say anything. "Do you remember when I was at your place, you know when I found out I got the roll of Hardin?" I ask. "Yeah of course but what does that have to do with anything." He says, I can hear in his voice how confused he is, I dont know why im having such a hard time explaning myself. "Well remember how I got that text that told me who Tessa was going to be?" I ask. "Like the actress playing her? Im super confused right now." He says. "Yes the actress playing her, Josephine. So do you remember all that?" I ask once again. "Yeah of course I remember that, I remember looking her up and seeing how much of a smoke show she is". He says then laughs, the thought of him refering to Jo as a *smoke show* makes me red with anger. "She is so much more than that, she smart, kind, caring, charming, halarious, brave, and overall an amazing person shes not just a smoke show." I say before I can stop myself, Felix is quiet for a minute but finally says " Look im sorry man I didnt mean to upset you, ive just never seen you-or I guess heard you this way. Is she the girl? Josephine? You know the one your having girl troubles with?" He asks. "Yeah" is all I can say. "Then whats the problem? Did you get rejected?" He asks me. "No I wasn't rejected, I just don't know how to tell her what im feeling." I say and then start pacing around my dressing room. "How do you feel?" He asks. How do I feel? I think to myself. "Well when im around her I get all flustered, and my heart starts to race, but overall im happy, like when I get to set in the morning and I see her face I smile its like I cant help myself.
"Theres so much more but I dont know how to explain the rest.
"Hero." Felix says. "What?" I say in return. "It sounds like you love you mate." He says and I feel the air from my lungs leave. Love? I couldnt possibly....ive only know her for....."Holy shit". I say. "So when are you going to tell her." Felix asks. "The reason why I called you is because I don know how to talk to her I get flustered remember." I say. "Well is today the last time your seeing her?" He asks me. "Well technically yeah, there an after party tonight, and im flying back home tomorrow night, but I havent gotten the chance to ask her if shes going to the after party." I say. "Well first you need to ask her if shes going then if she is you need to make a plan to get her away from the other people so your alone then you just need to be a man and tell her how your feeling." He says. "Thanks Felix I really needed this. I need to go now but just know that your an amazing friend." I say. "Of course man any time." He says and we both say goodbye and hang up. Ok so I just need to be a man it cant be that hard. I decide to head back onto set to ask jo if shes going to the party. Once join everyone I see Jo sitting down at a table she looks off like shes seen a ghost, I decide to ask her if she ok first. "Hey Jo." I say and she jumps. "H- Hero hey." She says she almost looks scared. "Is everything alright?" I ask. "Yeah why wouldn't it be, everythings great, never better, um I actually need to go." She says and stands up. "Wait before you leave I was wondering if you were going to go to the after party tonight?" I ask, I hope she is I really do. She pauses for a minute like shes doesnt know yet but then blurts out. "Yess I am." Then walks off, im a little concerned since she seems a little off but it  obviously cant be that big of a deal if shes going to the party tonight. Now the only thing left to do is tell her how I feel, great this is going to be a disaster.

Authors Note

So I really hope whoever reads this likes it and votes it would mean so much to me, and done worry theres plenty of drama and suprises to come.

Your Friend, Makena❤

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