The After Party

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Jo's POV

In a span of thirty minutes I managed to take a shower, shave, do my hair, do my makeup, and pick out an outfit. Pretty impresive for someone whos under an intense amount of presure and feels like they could explode at any given moment. I check my phone again to make sure I got the right address from Anna, as soon as ive double checked I leave. Ive been trying to get a cab to stop for ten minutes, finally one stops I open the door and I hear a voice say. "Hey do you mind if we share a cab?" I turn around to see Hero looking at me. "Yeah." I say and open the door for him to get in first. Its so quiet, why isnt he saying anything? Why am I not saying anything? "So are you excited?" He asks me. "For what?" I say with total confusion. "Uh the party." He says and laughs, oh god I think my heart just skipped a beat. "Oh right the party yeah, yeah im excited...super excited." I say and shake my head slightly. God Jo why do you make everything so awkward. "Are you? You know excited?" I ask. "For what?" He says teasing me. "Haha very funny." I say and playfully roll my eyes. "Your cute when your irritated." He says and my heart stops. "What?" I say out of breath. "You heard me." He says then looks out the window. What is going on? Is Hero flirting? Wait how far is this going to go? I dont even know when hes going back to London. I mean I dont leave for Australia for another week or two. Just then the cab stops and we get out, this place is fancy looking Hero and I walk in together theres a long hallway and at the end there are these two big doors with a sign out front saying "the AFTER party" I smile at the sign and then Hero and I walk in  were greeted with loud music and a lot of dancing people and in the corner of the roon a bar. "Im going to go find Anna but afterwards I need to talk to you about something." Hero says and then walks off, is this really happening? If it is im going to need a couple drinks first, I think and then head to the bar.

Hero's POV

"Hero get this together you can do this, you just need to tell her how you feel." I say while looking at myself in the bathroom mirror. "Tell her how you feel." I repeat quieter this time. "How am I supposed to do that? I mean shes probably going to think im crazy.  I mean I think im crazy, im pacing in a bathroom talking to myself, and its to loud out there and this is more of a quiet conversation so how am I supposed to talk to her, and what was that in the cab earlier "you heard me" who says that. I just wished id planned this better." I say still talking to myself like a crazy person. "HURRY UP!" Someone from outside the bathroom yells, I take one last look at myself and leave. Ok Hero just find Jo and ask to talk to her in the hallway that should be easy and more private, yeah that should work, but first I need to find her. Finding Jo is harder than I thought it would be, its been about thirty minutes, although a couple people did stop to have a conversation with me. Finally Im about to give up when I see her at the bar sitting there sipping a drink. God she looks beautiful I could look at her forever. "Ok now man up and ask her to talk" I say quietly to myself and start walking over. "Hey" I say. "Hey Hero." She says, god I love the way she says my name with her cute Australian accent. "Can we talk?" I ask. "Yeah of course." She says and leans in to listen. "Not in here follow me." I say and get up to leave while Jo follows. Once were out in the hall I feel like i might pass out. "So what did you want to talk about?" Jo says with curious eyes. Ok this is it tell her. "Jo, you know how- I feel- I think-" God why am I so bad at this, I look at Jo assuming she would have a loo of confusion on her face but shes smiling. Why is she smiling? Is there somethng in my teeth? "I think I know what your going to say." She says. "I heard you on the phone earlier you know in your dressing room, I didnt mean to listen in on your conversation but I heard you talking to someone about a girl and well I was curious...and I guess jealous but then I heard my name and thought you were talking about me so I ran, then I spent the last 4 hours trying to figure out my feelings. I even sent Shane over to see if you actually liked me, you know just to make sure I didnt imagine it." She says, almost in one breath like shes been holding back this information. Wait she heard me on the phone with Felix earlier? Is that why she was being weird earlier when I asked her if she was going to the party? Wait she was trying to figure out her feelings? As in she has feelings for me? "What do you mean by trying to figure out your feelings?" I ask and she stares at me like doesnt know what I mean. "Are you kidding me?" She says and cups my face. "I like you, I really REALLY like you, I might even lo- look the point is I cant believe it took me so long to figure it out but I did, so please tell me you like me too because if you dont like me then this is really embarrassing ." She says and then takes her hands off my face and covers hers. I gently remove her hands and then look at her.
"No I do, I really like you too trust me since the first day on set I felt something for you." I say and then grab her hands and take a step closer. She looks at me in the eyes and tilts her head up, if  were to move my head slightly forward our lips would touch. "Kiss me." Jo whispers and I cant hold back anymore, I lean forward and our lips touch, the kiss starts off soft like were trying to cherish it but with every given moment we become more hungry for eachother making the kisses sloppy, then Jo removes her lips from mine."I know we got here less than an hour ago but do you want to get out of here?" She says out of breath, I smile. "Are you sure?" I ask although I really want to. "Yes more than anything, but I do need to say goodbye to a couple people first." She says and we walk back in holding hands this time. I cant believe this is happening me and Jo are a thing im not sure if were dating but ill save that conversation for later, right now I have her and thats all that matters.

Authors Note

If you made it this far congrats, sorry I suck at writing. Ok so im not sure if I want to write a sex scene or not, its just im not sure if its just going to be a skip to the next morning kinda thing or if im actually going to put effort into it. So it up to you guys tell me which one you want so...comment... and vote.
P.S. I just finished Ginny and Georgia and I can not express how much I loved it if you havent seen it yet you should.

Your Friend, Makena❤

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