The Big News

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Hero's POV

"Ok Jo what are we here to talk about." I say, its been bothering me since she told me she told me we needed to have a talk. Im not sure what we need to talk about. Shes been acting so weird today I feel like it could be anything. "Ill be right back." She says and then runs off. Ok what is going on? I think and then my phone vibrates in my pocket, I take it out to look at my notifications and see I got a text from a number I dont recognize, the text says *hey baby* so I decide to reply with *I think youve got the wrong number, sorry.* And im about to put my phone back in my pocket when I get another text. *Nope this is definitly the right number, Hero.* What? *Who are you?* I ask. * Its Brittney.* She replies. Brittney? Where have I heard that name. OMG its the girl from the club! *How did you get my number?* I ask. *Call me.* She says and I look to see if Jos coming out of the bathroom yet, when I dont see her I dial the number. "Heyy" Brittney says from the other end. "How did you get my number?" I ask again with a slight edge to my voice. "Why are you mad? One of your friends gave it to me. I thought you would be happy to hear from me." She practically wines the last part, why would any of my friends give ber my number? "Well im not happy to hear from you, I have a girlfriend and im currently in the middle of a date with her." I say. "Well she doesnt have to know about us." She says and I feel like throwing up. "Im not going to cheat on her." I say. "Well call me if you ever change your mind." She says before handing up the phone. I almost forgot I was in a resturant. "Hey sorry about that." Jo says as she sits down, I didnt even notice she was back. "No problem." I say while putting my phone in my pocket. I need alcohol, I think and then finish off my drink. "Are you sure?" Jo asks me. Come on here let it go shes never going to call or contact you again. "Yeah, no yeah, im fine." I say but im mainly convincing myself. "Ok... now are you goimg to tell me why were here?" I ask again, she never did tell me. She looks like shes preparing herself for something big. "Ok so I found someing out and im not sure how your going t take it, its kinda the reason ive been acting so weird and im not sure how to tell you because its really big news and-" she says but I cut her off. "Jo your rambling." I say, and force a smile to calm her but im still panicing at what the news might be. She knows shes been acting weird? Its big news? "Sorry." She says and then continues taking a deep breath. "" she says. "Im pregnant." She says and I feel as if I might pass out. Pregnant? Pregnant.... shes pregnant? How could she be pregnant? Weve been careful. Has it even been long enough for her to be pregnant? How could this even happen? This is why shes been acting weird? How long has she known? "Hero?" A distant voice says. "Hero." It says again. "Are you ok?" I hear, I open my eyes and see Jo looking at me from above in fact a couple people are looking at me. "What is going on?" I ask. "You fainted." Jo says while helping me up and back into my chair. I fainted? When? "Right after I told you I was pregnant." Jo adds on. Pregnant. "Are you sure?" I ask and she frowns, why is she frowning? "I mean im pretty positive." She says and looks down. Were going to have a baby? Im going to be a dad? All of a sudden the idea excites me. "Jo do you know what this means?" I ask her and she looks at me with a gleam in her eye. "What?" She asks me starting to smile. "Were going to be a mum and dad. Were going to raise a baby together and be a family." I say not able to contain my excitment over the matter. "Your not scared or mad?" She asks me. "No why would I be?" I say and she smiles. "Idk I just figured you wouldnt want kids this early in life I mean were barely in our twenties we have so much life ahead of us." She says. "Yeah but we can still go out and do things its not like our lives are over." I say and we both smile. "Were doing this?" She asks me. "Yeah were doing this, and ill be here whenever you need me." I say and with that we finish our dinner talking about our future and what it might look like with a little one hanging around. After were done eating we head back to the hotel. "So we still technically have a week left until we head back home, what do you want to do about that?" I ask Jo based off my lack of communication last time I figured I would ask early. "Well I havent told my family about the pregnancy and I want to tell them as soon as possible, and i want to tell them in person." She says. "Fine then ill go with you." I say, ive only been to Australia once, but ive never been to perth. "Are you sure?" She says smiling at me. "Yeah im sure, this is my baby too." I say and she runs over and hugs me. "I love you." She says while her face is berried in my chest. "I love you too." I say and lift her head up to kiss her. Shes so short I have to lean down while she stands on the toes. "Its getting late, I think I want to go to bed." She says and I look at the time. "Its only 10." I say and laugh. "Ik but ive had a long day I just need to rest." She says, while leaning up a kissing me before changing into sweats and a sweatshirt. I decide to go to bed too because I must admit im tired too. We walk over to the bed and she falls asleep in my arms. "I love you." I say before falling into a deep sleep.

Jo's POV

*ring* *ring* *ring* *ring* "Where is that coming from?" I say with a slightly annoyed tone. That phone has been ringing for almost 10 minutes. Finally I find it, its Heros phone. Its an unknown number, if they call again ill answer but if not im going to back to bed its almost 2am. *ring* Who could need to talk to Hero this early in the morning!? I grab his phone again and answer. "Hello?" I say. "Did I call the wrong number? Im looking for Hero." A girl says. "No you called the right number but hes sleeping. Who is this?" I say, why is this girl calling Hero at 2 in the morning? "Its Brittney, who are you?" She says. "Im Jo his girlfriend." I say. "Oh im suprised you guys are still together." She says. "What are you talking about? Why wouldnt we still be together?" I ask, who is this girl? Shes clearly British but ive never heard Hero talk about a friend named Brittney. I look over at Hero and hes still sound asleep. "Well he didnt seem to love you when he called me on your little dinner date earlier or when we fucked in the back of a club." She says so calmlyand my heart drops. What? Is that why he had his phone out when I got back from the bathroom? "What are you talking about?" I ask with my voice breaking. I feel like I might cry. "Oh you didnt know? What a shame. I guess you dont mean asuch to him as you thought you did." She says and laughs, then  I hear someone call her name in the background. "Well ive got to go but send my love to Hero." She says and hangs up. I look over at him and tears roll down my face. "Asshole." I say before getting out of bed picking up my things that Ive left in his room and leaving him laying there on the bed sound asleep.

Authors Note

Ok so I accidentally posted the rough draft of this chapter a couple days ago on accident and then realized after I started getting notifications. So if you saw that, no you didnt, pretend that didint happen. Anyways Jo knows about Brittney I contiplated for a while on wether I should have titled this chapter "its brittney bitch" just because on britnney spears but obviously I didnt just thought you should know.

Your friend, Makena

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