Moving On?

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Heros POV

The flight to LA felt like it took forever. So im hoping the cab ride to Jos sisters house is short. I look at my phone and pull up the address Anna sent me. Im going to go get Jo. Im going to confront her and explain everything. Shes going to take me back once she knows the truth...wont she? Once the driver pulls up to the address I get out, walk up the driveway and stand in front of the front door . "Ok here we go." I say to myself before taking a step forward and knocking. Im left waiting for about 30 seconds before a brunette woman opens the door. This must be Jos sister Kathrine, I remember Jo talking about her a little bit. She said they looked similar but I didnt think they would look this similar. "Hello?" She says with an irritated look on her face, and then I realize shes been talking. "Sorry what did you say?" I ask and she crosses her arms. "I asked you what your doing here." She says. Did Jo already tell everything? How does she know what I look like? "Im here to see Jo and explain myself." I say and she scoffs. "You asshole. You really think im going to let you into my home after what you did to my baby sister." She says. "Please just let me explain, its not what it looks like. I didnt do anything wrong..." I say and she glares at me. "How can you even say that. You cheated thats a pretty fucked up thing to do." She says. "Thats the thing I didnt cheat, that girl Jo talked to on the phone was just some psycho chick I slept with when Jo and I werent together." I say and I can see ger facial features soften, but not completely. "Why should I believe that?" She says. "Because I would never hurt Jo on purpose. I love her." I say still standing outside. "Hero if you know whats good for her you wont come back here." She says, is she kidding. Im whats good for Jo aren't I? "Im not leaving until I see her." I say. "I dont want to talk to you." I hear a voice from behind Kathrine. I look up and Jo is walking twords the front door. "All I want is for you to leave me alone." She continues. "Please let me explain." I say, she looks like shes about to say yes and let me explain everything but then she looks behind me and her face falls. "Hey?" A mans voice says from behind me. I turn around and see a man walking over to us. Who is this guy? "Hey." Jo says to him. "Hero you need to leave." Jo says while looking at me. "No." Is all I say. Whats going on here? Who is this guy? "Well then im leaving." Jo says while hugging her sister. "Where are you going? I need to talk to you." I say as she passes me. "Look dude I dont know who you are but she clearly doesnt want to talk to you." The random dude says, he has an Australian accent, maybe their friends? Now that im looking at him he has a suit on. Why is this guy dressed up? I look at Jo who is looking down, she has a black dress on. Whats going on here? "Who even are you?" I ask annoyance clear in my voice. "Im Kevin. Who are you?" He asks with the same tone. "Im Jos fucking boyfriend." I say and she snaps. "You are NOT my boyfriend, not anymore!" She says, I dont think ive ever seen her this angry. "You had your chance and you fucked it up! This is your fault Hero! Maybe if you hadent fucked some other girl I would be with you right now instead of Kevin, but you cant seem to keep your dick in your pants!" She screams at me, that escalated quickly. "I didnt cheat on you how many times do I need to tell you that?" I say. What did she mean she would be with me right now instead of Kevin? She cant mean shes with this asshole now. "What do you mean instead of Kevin?" I ask. "Is that seriously the only thing you felt a need to comment on." She asks, or more scoffs. "Answer the fucking question Jo!" I yell. "Ok I dont know what your problem is but you need to calm down. She clearly doesnt want to talk to you, so leave her alone." He says and it takes everything in me not to take a step forward and beat him to death. He doesnt get to tell me what I can and cant do. "No he should know." Jo says before taking a step twords me. "Kevin and I are dating now im over you. So grab your bags and get out of here." She says. Dating? Shes been gone for one fucking day and shes already dating some other guy? How could she. I didnt even do anything wrong. "You know what have fun on your little date. Im not sure why I wanted to be with such an entitled bitch anyways. Fucking marry this asshole for all I care just dont ever fucking talk to me again." I say and Jo winces, like my words physically hurt her. "Fuck you Hero." Is all she says before her and Kevin walk down the driveway, get into his car and drive off, leaving me standing there all alone.

Authors Note

Ok so Kevin is back. I really want to know what you guys think of him so far. Also whos side are you on Jos or Heros?

Your friend, Makena

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