✨ valentine's day special ✨

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quick lil valentines day special chapter for y’all who don’t have valentines (and for those who actually have a valentine, then well good for you I am not bitter at all!!!! hahahaha!!!!)

btw this is set like years after the story ended ok omfg

Ivey’s legs were shaking uncontrollably.

“Stop,” Sam placed a hand on her knee, squeezing it tightly as if it would calm her down. “You’re going to cause an earthquake with the way you’re shaking.”

Ivey groaned. “Do you really think I’d still be shaking if I could stop myself?”

“Just,” Sam paused and looked around the room, desperately in need of something to calm her friend’s nerves. “Just think of happy thoughts.”

“Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens.” Alice offered from the other side of the room. “Do you want us to get you water or something?”

Ivey swallowed audibly and shook her head. “How did you do it?”

“How did I stay calm during my wedding day?” Alice chuckled. “I didn’t. I was a nervous wreck, you saw me. I was sweating everywhere.”

“But you survived.” Ivey reminded herself and took a deep breath. “I’ll survive.”

“You’re not going to die.” Sam stood up from her seat and looked down at her friend with disbelief. “What’s the worst that could happen?”

“I don’t know, trip?” The bride-to-be shrugged, her arms flying everywhere in exasperation. Her forehead was starting to sweat and her toes were curling in her heels.

“You’re not going to trip.” Alice assured her best friend. “I’m probably the clumsiest person alive and I managed to stay on my feet during my wedding.”

Ivey groaned and threw her head back to stare at the ceiling of her dressing room. “I’m dying.”

“Do you want me to get him?” Sam offered.

“He can’t see me.” Ivey frowned, still looking up. “No one’s allowed to. You guys are the only ones who can, you lucky bastards.”

“We can call him on his phone, if that helps.”

Ivey pursed her lips in thought and peeled her eyes off the ceiling to look at her friends. “Okay,”

Alice quickly fetched her phone from one of the nearby tables and hastily typed before handing it to her best friend with a weary smile. She pulled Sam by the arm and left the room as Ivey put the phone to her ear.

He picked up on the third ring.

“Hey,” Ivey breathed.

“Ives?” The voice on the other line was low, almost like he was whispering. “What’s going on?”

“I’m freaking the fuck out.” Ivey abruptly stood up from her seat in frustration with tears threatening on the corners of her eyes.

She heard him sigh and excuse himself from what seemed to be a group of people he was talking to prior the call. It took a few seconds before she heard him again, his voice clearer this time. “Okay, where are you?”

“In my dressing room.”

“I’m not allowed to go in, am I?”

“No one is.” She sighed as she leaned against the table behind her cluttered with various makeup essentials and hair products.

“Okay,” he breathed out and paused for a moment, as if thinking. “What do you want to do?”

“I want to hear you.” She whispered, her voice nearly breaking. “Please talk, or something.”

She could hear shuffling from the other end of the phone call and she desperately waited for the sound of his voice again. She squeezed her gown in her hands as she listened intently to his steady breathing before he managed to speak again.

“You know what my favorite memory I have with you?”

She sniffed in response and he took it as a sign to continue.

“That time during Valentine’s Day, when I got dumped by Tina the day before, and when you were stood up by that dude, what’s his name, Matt? Mark?”

“Marcus.” Ivey corrected with a delicate smile, already feeling more relaxed despite the silent tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Right, Marcus. That douchebag.” She could imagine him shaking his head in disapproval, just like what he always did whenever he talked about the boy. “We were both so miserable that Valentine’s Day. So I went to your apartment and brought vanilla ice cream, because you’re boring as hell, and we watched reruns of Friends, because, again, you’re boring as hell, and we burned the shirt Marcus left in your place.

“We ended up falling asleep and when I woke up, you were in the kitchen making brunch because we overslept. I remember you were wearing a black tank top and gray sweatpants and your hair was all over the place and you still had eyeliner smudged on your cheeks from all the crying the night before. You were a mess, Ives.”

“How is this cheering me up?” Ivey chuckled lightly through her sniffs.

He laughed along at the other end, making Ivey smile more. “You were so raw that day; full of emotion, crying over every single thing. You cried when Chandler proposed to Monica. You cried over an asshole that stood you up on freaking Valentine’s Day for another girl. You cried when I told you about Tina. You cried while cooking brunch because you couldn’t crack the eggs properly. You were a fucking mess, just like you are now, but guess what? You got through it.”

“I got through it.” She reminded herself yet again. Her eyes fluttered close as she tried to calm down.

It took fifteen more minutes for him to assure her that everything was going to be all right before she had to end the call, her two best friends interrupting their conversation because it was finally time to walk down the aisle.

With the help of makeup and a lot of water, Ivey finally looked like she hasn’t been crying in the past hour because of stupid nerves. She took three deep breaths and before she knew it, she was walking down the aisle with everyone staring at her with wide smiles.

All she had in mind was left foot, right foot, almost there, don’t trip.

And as she finally reached the altar, with the boy of her dreams taking her hand, millions of hearts broke. Majority being her groom’s fans, but one out of the million belonged to a particular boy that stood nearby.

Standing there in the front row, watching a certain boy who was pretty known around the music industry take the girl of his dreams as his wife, was Luke Hemmings.

“You okay?”

He snapped out of his thoughts, his thoughts of infinite what ifswhat if that were me?—and faced his band mate with a mixture of confusion and annoyance. “What?”

“Are you okay?” Ashton repeated in a much slower pace, although kept his eyes straight forward, glued to the bride and groom in front of them.

Luke inhaled sharply. “Yeah, yeah.” He paused and bit his lip, watching Ivey laugh at something her soon-to-be-husband whispered in her ear. That’s going to be all over the Internet in a few hours, he thought. “I think so.”

“You still love her, don’t you?”

“I never stopped.”


happy valentines to all of u lavely people 

[quick shameless plug: i started a 1d acc and am currently writing a harry fic so if ur interested in that then go to @niallcutter heh] 

soooo yes there we go i miss u all happy vday i hope it was full of sappy movies n smiles!!!!!! 

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