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heart on fire (acoustic) - jonathan clay


I woke up with someone’s arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I couldn’t move to get a clearer view of who was asleep behind me, but I was quite sure that I wasn’t in my room. I tried to stretch my neck up to find out where I was, and seeing a television set turned on with the cast of High School Musical staring at me, I had a good guess.

It smelled like melting butter on toast, one of the best things to wake up to. I could hear someone humming in the kitchen to the beat of a familiar song. It took me a few wiggles and squirms for the person to finally untangle their arms from me, letting me go with a quiet grunt.

I turned around after finally being let go and was greeted by the sight of Calum sleeping, his mouth slightly apart, and his hair in a mess.

I groaned, stretching my arms out before sitting up from the floor, feeling a sharp pain at my neck. I looked around, seeing bodies sprawled across the ground on the blue mattresses, blankets, and pillows everywhere. Alice ended up sleeping on the couch with one of her legs hanging off the armrest, while Ashton was dozing off beside Sam, whose arms were still wrapped around the bowl of leftover popcorn. Jackie was at the far end of the other side of the room, asleep with her phone on top of her forehead; Mandy snored near Alice, her body on the ground while her legs were up on the couch, on Alice’s stomach. Ivey was at the other side of Calum, an arm resting on her eyes; and Michael was nowhere to be found.

I took the white blanket off me, putting it carefully on Calum before standing up and making my way to the kitchen, seeing Michael sitting on the kitchen table with a glass of water.

“Hey,” my voice came out hoarse. “You’re awake early.”

He shrugged as he drank from his glass. “So are you.”

I sat across him, folding my hands on the wooden table. We stayed quiet for a while, listening to the faint snores and breathing from the living room. It was just after sunrise and the sunlight gushed through the curtains of the room, hitting us with its warm morning light.

“How’s Alice?” I broke the silence, tearing my eyes off the windows to look at Michael.

He looked up with wide eyes and a smile on his mouth. “She’s really, really, really great.”

“Really great?” I smirked.

“Really, really great.” He beamed. “I really like her, Luke.” He said in a more serious tone, sighing afterwards.

“Ask her out or something.” I suggested.

“No!” He exclaimed. “She’s never going to like me like that.”

“You’ll never know.” I shrugged.

“Then maybe you should ask Ivey out.” Michael raised an eyebrow.

I laughed, a little disgusted at the idea. “Why would I ask Ivey out?”

“Don’t you like her?” He asked, completely confused.

I shook my head, still laughing. “Of course not. She’s like my sister, you know?”

“It’s just that you guys are always together.” He shrugged.

“I keep her company while she smokes.” I stood up from my seat and walked behind the kitchen counter to get a bottle of water from the fridge.

“She should really stop smoking.” Michael sighed.

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