chapter 5

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karasu's pov

"oh yes introductions that's right!" jc said while smacking your head to get you out of the trance you were in. "huh- uhhhh, yea same" you said rubbing where you got hit while looking around trying to remember where you were.

"what the fuck are you talking about we're doing introductions" he said through his teeth. "ohhh uh my bad, yo the names yaban'na karasu call me 'su" she said with a slight wave. "hi, i'm jinko chino it's a pleasure" he said slightly bowing his head.

you were giving him a weird look and mentally asked him why he's being so nice, he seemed to have heard you or something because he said 'always try to make a good first impression'

you were kinda stunned because his mouth didn't move. 'did i just telepathically talk to him' you said more so to yourself 'yes you did now pay attention she's talking to us'

your head snapped from where you were looking before to now looking at the girl in front of jc. "hi my names kuon shinzaki nice to meet you" she said smiling while extending out a hand so that jc could shake it which he accepted out of politeness.

that masked dude was staring at you not that you minded or anything but you didn't really get his name. "hey, i know i'm hot but can you at least tell us your name" you said as you took a step closer and waved a hand in front of his face.

shinzaki seemed to have heard because her head whipped in your direction where she saw sniper mask stuttering while rubbing his nape trying to come up with an excuse.

it seemed to have caught her off guard because she's never seen him this vulnerable before so she was slightly shocked and jealous. 'why doesn't he act like that around me' she thought to herself. but you heard her loud and clear.

you felt like being a toxic little bitch so then you pulled snipermask closer to you by his belt, which gave him butterflies. it was like you knew exactly what to do, which you did but he didn't know that.

you moved his mask a little so only you could see his face, you saw him wide eyed and blushing, you couldn't help but admire this man, his features were beautiful and mesmerising. you stood on your tippy toes then you kissed him.

⚠️tw kissing/making out⚠️

he was shocked at first but then he kissed back. your lips moved in sync with one another slowly but slightly rough.

you bit on his lip asking for entrance which he denied so you reached for his hair with your free hand and tugged it causing him to moan which edged you on even more and gave you enough time to enter your tongue.

you kept your balance by wrapping the hand that tugged his hair around his neck. you squeezed it slightly causing him to gasp.

once your tongue entered you guys fought for dominance which you won easily so you were exploring his wet cavern until someone rudely ruined it by coughing catching both your attention.

you split but there was a string of saliva connecting your mouths together so you licked the bottom of his lip where the saliva was, slowly and seductively while looking him dead in the eyes, you could tell that turned him on by that look on his face which you smirked at.

⚠️it's over now⚠️

you turned to where the cough was heard and saw it was jc that coughed "what" you said innocently as you smiled and looked over at shinzaki for her reaction.

she was fuming, her face and ears were completely red and she was clenching her fist tightly together. you were sure you could see steam coming out of her ears.

finally you looked over at the nameless man he was blushing heavily and panting slightly you smirked at him which made him blush more and avoid eye contact with you.

you carefully placed his mask back on his face but not before giving him another little peck on the lips. 'that was fucking hot' snipermask said mentally causing you to smirk.

"sooo what were we talking about again" you said cheerfully. "sigh we wanted to know his name" jc said already done with your bullshit. "oh yea, what's your name hot stuff" you said while looking over at him, but before he could answer shinzaki did for him.

"actually he doesn't remember his name so it's snipermask for now, but you wouldn't know that because you guys just met" she said in a bitchy way with an irk mark on her head.

"oh nuh uh, you did not just talk to me like that hun" you said secretly celebrating mentally because this is the exact response you wanted. "bestie hold my shit" you said while taking off your bag and giving it to jc.

"woah woah wait, she didn't mean it like that it just came out wrong!" snipermask said while giving shinzaki the look to say an apology, because he's seen what you're capable of and it's not the work of a beginner.

shinzaki sighed and mumbled a small sorry. "i uh, didn't quite hear you, what was that" you said mockingly putting a hand to your ear. "i said i'm sorry ok!" she yelled slightly "oh nah it's fine i don't really mind, your existence is irrelevant anyway" you said with a smirk.

she was glaring at you which made you smile a little and give yourself a mental pat on the back for pissing her off. 'so much for a good first impression huh' you thought with a chuckle while jc was facepalming.

yesssss snipermask simps get your juiceeeee. sorry for not posting yesterday but i'm pretty sure this made up for it, i even made it extra long for y'all😼 and we all love a toxic mc😻 hope you enjoyed, have a good one 😘

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