chapter 6

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karasu's pov

"are you gonna stand there and glare at me all day luv?" i said teasingly while walking up to her. "or are you gonna do something?" i said while i stood there and glared at her making her flinch and step back. 'wow i really said uno reverse' i said in my mind with a chuckle.

"that's what i thought" karasu said as she walked to where jc was standing so she could lean on him. i put my head on jc's shoulder while we watched the fight.

"they're gonna kill each other i have to do something about it" shinzaki said while fidgeting with the ends of her hair. "just let them kill each other then, less competition" i said while taking a bite out of my pocky with my head still on jc's shoulder.

"bro get the fuck off me your not light" jc said while shoving my head off his shoulder. "fucking big nose crooked toes looking ass bitch" i said while sulking and walking up to sniper mask so i could annoy him.

"hey" i said as i took his cigar out his mouth. "wai- heyy!" sniper said while trying to take it back but before he could i took a puff and blew it in his face. he looked at me love struck.

'he's fucking whipped' i thought as i chuckled and handed it back to him while leaning against his arm. shinzaki was watching from afar and i could feel her eyes on us.

"are you gonna like stop them now or continue to stare" i said not taking my eyes off the battle, it was just getting interesting that girl with the black hair just shot one of the masked people.

as i said that shinzaki quickly took her eyes off of us and back to the battle. "i- um- yea" she stuttered while she grabbed her phone out of her pocket and activated the rail gun, it shot a building down and the doctor dude got scared blah blah no one cares.

"bestie did you see that i'm not the only one who can use it" i said while glancing at him he looked like he was thinking about something. "yea i did" jc said while looking at her.

while shinzaki was watching them resolve their problem i interlocked hands with snipermask which caused his hand to flinch at first but slowly grab hold of mine as well.

our hands fit perfectly into one another. i lifted his hand closer to me and started playing with his fingers.

he was watching me whilst finishing of his cigar but before he could blow the last of his smoke out i grabbed his face by his chin and made him look at me, moved his mask up so i could only see his lips and kissed him.

as i was kissing him i was also sucking the smoke out of his mouth. i stopped looked away then blew the smoke out. he chuckled at this. "you want me that bad huh?" snipermask said while fixing his mask.

"oh, what's this? tryna act all big and bad now hmm" i said while smirking at him. "i was always big and bad sugar" he said while wrapping his hand around my neck and lightly choking me.

it was now my turn to chuckle. "oh please, i had you knees weak a few minutes ago" i said while i took his hand off my neck and placed my hand on his neck as i pulled his face closer to my face.

"want me to do it again?" i whispered seductively into his ear while lightly nibbling it which sent shivers down his spine. but we were broken up before i got his answer even though i already knew what he was going to say.

he coughed trying to compose himself again. "so what's the plan now" i asked looking over at jc then sniper mask. "well i was going to drop this girl off to those other high schoolers" snipermask said referring to shinzaki "wanna tag along?" he said making eye contact with me then glancing at jc.

"do you even have to ask" i smirked while starting to find somewhere we can sleep for tonight. "uhh first of all, how will i know you won't kill me in my sleep" shinzaki said while pointing at me. "you don't" i said with a chuckle.

heyy thanks for reading hope you liked this chapter! i'm tired so i'm not gonna drag this on love you have a good day/night 😘

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