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OMG HEYHEY😩🤞 if it wasn't obvious already i've dropped this book 🙄✋ but i can't just leave you guys hanging so i'll write a smut chapter for y'all and i better get my thankyous 🤨 anyways enjoy ig 😼 oh yea this is just gonna be a regular au so no 'powers' and your not in the game, world whatever you wanna call it 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩


you guys were chilling in his room. you lying down on his bed while he was at his desk gaming.

you were bored and a little horny so you decided to tease him. you waited for him to finish his match then it was time for your plan of attack.

you walked over to him straddling him. he looked at you eyes wide and mouth agape.

you smirked and started kissing and biting up and down his neck. you heard him moan lightly.

then after that you heard all of these unknown people who you assumed were his teammates talk about how they heard a moan through the headset.

he quickly said "i need to go, my mums calling" and logged off before any of them could respond.

he looked at you eyes filled with lust and eagerness. you continued to kiss and suck his neck.

you pulled on the hem off his shirt signalling for him to take it off and so he did.

you looked up at him and kissed him passionately on his lips while you were running your hands up and down his abs and grinding against his cock.

he groaned in response. you took your top off leaving you in only your bra and sweats. you walked over to the bed signalling him to follow.

before he could get to the bed you pulled him down by his neck and kissed him. he threw you onto the bed and climbed on top of you and continued to kiss you.

you flipped him over. "uh uh uhh i don't think so" you said while wagging your finger in front of his face.

"your gonna pleasure me tonight love~" you said as you puckered your lips and bucked your hips against his cock.

he flipped you over then unclipped your bra without even batting an eye. he started fondling your tits making you moan slightly.

all of a sudden he was sucking and swirling his tongue around on one of your tits while fondling the other with his hand.

as his tongue was swirling around your hard nipple he pulled down your sweats and rubs your clothed clit.

"fuckk~" you moan in his ear while he puts your panties to the side. "this wet for me already darling?" he mused with a smirk.

"shut up" you said sourly. "now now, no need to be sour love i was just teasing" he said playfully while sliding two fingers into your entrance.

"fuck~ just like that" you moaned while he added another finger. he kissed his way down to your thighs still pumping his fingers into you.

he pulled his fingers out and staring licking and sucking your folds. "ah~ ahh~" you moaned as he also started to rub your clit.

he kept speeding up and you could fell a knot forming in your stomach.

your back arched and you could feel yourself riding his face while also riding out your high.

"shit" you said you said with a sigh while still trying to calm yourself down.

you quickly flipped him over and pulled down his pants. you could see the outline of his length clearly through his boxers.

you pulled those all the way off and threw them on the other side of the room.

"this hard for me already darling~" you said with the cockiest smirk possible.


"shush" he said covering his checks with his arm attempting to hide his blushing face.

"awww~ have you gone shy on me now" you said while fake pouting.

you got a hold of his cock that was leaking pre-cum and rubbed your thumb over the tip. it twitched slightly and he shivered.

you stroke it slowly whilst spitting on it. you teasingly lick the tip while locking eyes with him.

"just suck me off" he said annoyed because of all the teasing. "what did you just say" you said while staring straight at him.

"i said-" he was cut off by you deep throating his cock in one go.

"fuckkk" he cursed while groaning not expecting you to take it full on. you were bobbing your head up and down and stroking him at the same time.

you starting speeding up causing a spew of cursed words to slip out his mouth. you were going so fast he couldn't take it anymore.

"s-slow down" he said making you go faster. "s-stop wait i'm sorry" he pleaded. making you slow down a little but you didn't stop.

he knew what you wanted to hear, but did he really wanna say it?


this caused you to stop and hum in approval. that little vibration you caused with your mouth was the little push he needed to send him over the edge.

once you seen his length twitch you quickly put your mouth back over it and deep throated it one last time while he ejaculated down your throat.

you pulled away with a little bit of semen running out your mouth.

"at least now you've learnt your lesson" you sighed while lying down next to him and drifting off to sleep.


okay i'm really fucking tired so sorry if there's spelling mistakes or something anyway i'm going to sleep hope you liked it ig 😟🤞

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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