chapter 8

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(i'm sorry i cbb following the story line so imma just make it up from now on😭)

karasu's pov

"hey look there's a masked person over there" i said as i pointed to the building across from us. "wow she's kinda hot don't you think" i said as i was checking her out while the other two were just looking at me deadpanned.

"woahh turn around for me shawty bae, let me see that thiccc badunkadunk" i said while biting my bottom lip and squinting my eyes while my index finger and thumb are rubbing my chin.

aaaand then she got shot. "hey why'd you do that, we were vibing" i said as i turned to look at the culprit. "you should be talking to me like that not a different masked person in a maid dress" snipermask said eyeing the dead body evilly.

"beg" she said smirking. "what did you say?" snipermask said making sure he heard you right "i said beg mother fucker" karasu said while turning to look at him still smirking "you want me to beg huh?" snipermask said smirking back

"yes, get on your knees and beg" she said while wrapping a hand around his throat. "how bout, you get on your knees" he said while gripping your hair and pulling it back harshly causing you to let go of him and hiss slightly, but still chuckle nonetheless.

"i would honestly love to.." she said removing his hand from her hair "..but i'm the dom in this relationship" she said sweeping his legs from under him causing him to fall onto his back, then she climbed on top of him and grabbed a knife out of her thigh strap.

she held the knife to his throat cutting it slightly then hovering the point of the knife over his mouth.

"open" she said more as a demand and he complied rather easily but hesitantly. both of them watched as a drop of blood dropped onto his tongue.

"close" she said as he closed his mouth. "now swallow" she whispered into his ear as she was kissing her way down his neck while leaving a few love bites, causing him to let out a few grunts here and there.

"good, you know your place" karasu said while standing up and dusting imaginary dust off of herself.

jc was standing there watching the whole interaction go down. "yesss fucking put that man in his place as you should" jc said hyping you up and cheering you on.

"you know i like supportive you, he should come out more often" she said as she licked the remaining blood off of the knife.

"fucking sadist" snipermask said getting up and wiping the rest of the blood dripping off his neck with a handkerchief he keeps in his pocket.

"don't act like you didn't enjoy it" karasu said smirking and placing her knife back in her thigh strap.

he blushed at those words even though she couldn't see it, she could tell. "blood kink?" she asked while smiling at him. "i-uh cough n-no what do you mean?" he stammered trying to find the right words.

"oh my goodness, you definitely have a blood kink" karasu said finding it hilarious someone else also has a blood kink. "do you also have a daddy kink because those are kind of like a packaged deal if you know what i mean" she said glancing at him to see the tips of his ears are bright red.

"HAHAAA, waittt, no stop this is fucking hilarious" she said while wiping a fake tear away from her eye.

"so how do you do foreplay with blood because i usually carve my name or pictures into them then lick the blood seeping out off" "or sometimes we use fake blood" she said while tapping a finger to her chin.

"who's we" smipermask said glaring at you. "who? oh! me and my ex of course" she said saying the last sentence with venom laced in her voice.

he was relieved to hear she was currently not dating anyone but knowing they had sexual intercourse wasn't sitting well with him.

"are you jealoussss" she said dragging out the word jealous while poking the cheek of his mask. "what- no of course not!" he huffed and looked away.

"it's ok i don't love him anymore or anything like that, but you probably know him, i mean he is pretty famous and well known" she said while looking at him. this intrigued him and he wanted to know who your ex is and why you guys split up.

"so what's his name then?" snipermask said waiting for your answer anxiously.
"the joker" she said spitting his name like it's poison.

heyoo! omg did y'all read that 😯 THE joker is your ex bf as in THE joker from gotham city the world wide known 'evil' villain and batman's rival. well i hope you have a good day/night love ya 😘

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