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'How dare they not come?' That's what I thought at the time, but I should have known something was wrong. when I spoke to Ginny she felt bad. I walked to my house. when i walked through that door i felt something was wrong.

'Ginny? Austin? Where were you? How dare you not show up! guys? "I would think they were just ignoring me, but all the lights were off. I went into the living room. I took my gun out of my bag. I saw there was fire in the fireplace and

my plant!?!

Oh no! I ran upstairs. all the lights were out. They weren't in their room. I panicked. What was going on! I saw my open cupboard and the shelf was up. I took out the box and saw that the money, one of my weapons, and my jacket were gone. I feared the worst: they know. They left because they knew. I ran to their rooms. their clothes were gone. it felt like there was a knife in my chest. It hurt so bad I had to sit down. I fell. I was completely in a panic. I was crying on the floor. 'Where are they? are they safe? They are probably so scared! What do they know? Everything? How did they find out? What would they think of me? I'm a murderer' I never really realized it. I've always tried not to think about it, but I am. I am a murderer. I killed someone.

I had to call someone. Zion? But if they aren't there, he will be involved. I didn't want to because he wouldn't tell anyone I'm a murderer. He would keep it quiet for me. He is finally happy. I couldn't do that to him. So I didn't think twice and ran to Ellen. She would just be there for me, but she wouldn't keep such a secret. She wouldn't find out. She was the closest I have ever had a girlfriend. I was afraid to tell her. She will ask questions and wants me to go to the police. Maybe I should go to the police. If something happened to them I wouldn't forgive myself, but what if the police found out?

Before I knew, I were on the doormat of the Bakers. I rang the bell. Still crying. Maxine opened the door.

'What's going on'

I couldn't say much. So i just asked her if I could come in and talk to her mom.

'Yeah, of course! what's wrong? Is it paul? Because if he doesn't treat you wright I will hurt him so badly that he'd beg me to just kill him!'

'no it's not Paul'

'Is it, uhm, Ginny. She's a real bitch.'

'No, Yes, I don't know. It's complicated. She is not a bitch.'

'yeah, well.'

I smiled softly. I felt so dead inside. When I walked in the room I saw the Bakers sit there on the couch, as a happy family. It made me cry again. I couldn't stop this time.

'What's going on with you?' asked Ellen concerned. 'I've never see you like this. come sit. Marcus will you go grab a glass of water?'

'They left me. Everything was great until that stupid, private detective. It was good between Ginny and me. My sister came, but she was just using me to get money from my dead ex-husbands wife. my ex-husband was an ass who tried to abuse my daughter, my sweet little girl. I told her about my family and how my stepdad abused me and how i did not wanted her to know. Then Zion. I slept with him, but then he left and she was so mad at me. They both were. Their dad left them because of me! again!' I rattled.

'Everybody, out' said Ellen.

when everybody left she came sit next to me.

'I am so sorry that your family is such a bad family. I feel so stupid for calling you a bad mom. It was not my right to judge about you like that. It must have been so scary to live in a house with someone who tries to abuse your daughter. I couldn't even imagine. Private detective?' she smiled.

'yeah.' I smiled back. 'thanks. She didn't thought I had the right to get Kenny's legacy. He was an ass, but he had a lot off money.' I thought about my children and I started crying again. 'Now they found out and left. I'm so scared.'

'Who found what out?'

'Ginny and Austin. They ran away. I don't know what I have to do.'

'what??' Marcus just came in with a glass of water in his hand. 'Ginny ran away? Why? Where is she now? How? I...I already thought there was something going on, but... this... I... I don't know what to say. What did she find out?' he asked so much thing i did not know. He was mad and scared and confused.

'Marcus.' said Ellen on a motherly tone..

Marcus ran away. He cried.

'We are going to call the police, okay?'

I could only think about their safety, so I nodded .


Part three is on the way!

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