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Abby, now

I am so afraid. Last night Ginny texted me she was fine, but this morning she was dead. I wasn't sure if I should tell anyone about the messages. All this happened because of secrets. If she had trusted us and told us about Marcus we wouldn't have gotten into an argument and maybe she would have trusted one of us. It's so hard for me to think about it. Today was the first day we got back together. We had to go back to school, but it didn't feel the same. Nobody really said anything. Even Hunter seemed broken by this. Marcus was completely lost. He looked stunned, but Max said he cried every night and that he always had nightmares where he screamed for Ginny. All our other problems were gone, no one was fighting anymore. I was supposed to see Max tonight. she had asked if she could stay the night because she couldn't sleep because of Marcus.

'Trrrrr trrrrrrr' There was Max.


'Hey, come in.' I said. We went upstairs and watched a movie to distract ourselves. I walked to the bathroom and cried. Nothing was the same anymore. Why did this happen? When I went back we tried to sleep. Part of me was hoping to get a message from Ginny. I knew it was crazy, but it didn't feel real. My psychologist said I was in denial, but of course I couldn't tell her about the texts either. I was scrolling through social media and saw a message from an unknown number. Max was sleeping. I opened the message and it said, "Are you alone?" I replied with 'Who is this?' And again the other asks 'are you alone?' I replied with 'I am with someone, but she is sleeping.' Then I get a message from Ginny that says 'I am Okay'

I almost screamed. I wanted to wake Max, but I promised I would not tell anyone.

"Oh my god, Ginny, I was so scared. What happened? can I tell Max?'

She was typing for a long time, but finally she replies, "I can't tell you why I did it. I'm very sorry. You can tell Max and Norah, but please do not tell anyone else! If the police ask or anyone who can tell my mom, I'm dead, okay?'


"Good night, Abby."

'good night'

I waited a minute. I wanted to tell Max, but I was so afraid she would hate me for not telling her before. What if she went to the police? I finally woke her up.

"Max, Max wakes up."


"It is about Ginny."

at first she didn't hear me, but then she sprang up and looked at me. 'What? What's up with Ginny????'

"She is still alive."

'That is impossible!'

I told her everything and showed her the messages. She looked so confused and happy.

'So she is alive! We have to tell someone!' I was shocked

'We can't! I promised we wouldn't! Ginny is a sensible person. She must have done this for a good reason. She would not endanger Austin." I tried so hard to convince her.

"Okay, I will not tell."

We both tried to sleep, but we were so relieved. We started talking about everything.

'I am so hungry now. What time is it?'

'3:40 am'

'We need to eat something. What do you have?'

"Um I don't know, let's see. We have ships and chocolate. What do you want?'

"Let's eat it both!"

"Oh, I am not really hungry." I responded. It wasn't true. my stomach was starving.

'brbrbrb' My stomach turned at the thought of food.

'Are you sure? You said you didn't eat much at dinner because of Ginny, but Ginny is still alive so it doesn't matter!' she said happily.

"Yeah, I'm just not really hungry." I wanted to drop this topic.

'Are you sure?' she asked hesitantly.

'Yes I'm sure.' I said, but my stomach started spinning again.

"Your stomach sounds hungry.'

"Well I'm not hungry." I said as I walked back upstairs. I was tired and wanted to sleep.

'Okay.' She followed me upstairs and we sat down in bed. Max was eating all the chocolate.

"We need to call Norah." said Max.

"She's probably already asleep. We should stop by her house tomorrow."

"We can try calling her. Maybe her ringtone wakes her up.'

'Sure, you can call her. Make sure she doesn't tell anyone. No one should know, Max.'

'Yes I know.' she said as she called Norah. The first time she didn't answer, but when Max called 3 times she picked up the phone. I could hear everything, because Max had it on speaker.

'What?' said Norah. She sounded irritated.

'Are you alone?' asked Max.

"No, I'm here with Jordan."

'Oh I'm sorry. Was I interrupting your orgasm?' joked Max

"Actually yes," Norah said back. Jordan laughs in the background.

"Well, I'll tell you in the morning."

"You sound happy. Tell me what's going on. Now.' said Norah, irritated.

"No, I'll tell you tomorrow." Max said back, also irritated.

Norah hangs up.

"Ugh, they always have sex. This is really important and we can't tell her because she's having sex.'

"Let's sleep." I answer sleepily.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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