"I'll Try..."

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A sliver of bright light shines through the gap in my curtains, making my already blurry vision go fuzzy. A loud knocking on my door leads me to quickly rub my eyes and sit up.
"Come in" I mumble with a yawn.
"Morning Y/n" Reggie greets as he floats through the door. Despite the tiredness, I can't help but smile at the sight of him, and the fact that we are on speaking terms again.
"Morning Reggie" I smile back, pulling the blanket up higher to my chin for no apparent reason.
"How'd you sleep?" He asks, sitting on my bed.
"Alright I guess, you?" I reply.
"I slept wonderfully" he says almost too cheerily, making us both laugh.
Something inside me changes though, and I can't help but feel slightly bad for the way I treated him previously. "Look Reggie I still feel bad about being mad at you..."
"No y/n stop, you don't have to be. It doesn't matter now and I don't blame you for being mad" he assures me.
"You sure?"
"Yes of course, now hurry up and get ready so we can go do something" he says, standing up.
"Alright alright get out then" I concede, gesturing my hands for him to leave. He obeys, which leaves me to get changed and get ready.
I get changed into a band tee and black denim skirt, and brush my hair up in with my bandanna. Adding a slight bit of makeup and mascara (only enough to still look natural) I check the mirror one last time before grabbing my phone and leaving my room. Seeing that Reggie is nowhere in the house, I head out into the studio where I see the three boys. They don't seem to notice me as I hover at the doorway, and I see Luke with both his hands on Reggie's shoulders and Alex nodding beside them.
"Hey guys" I greet them, walking in.
All three boys jump.
"Hey y/n" Reggie smiles.
"Heyy" Alex chimes in.
"Sup" Luke says.
"You ready?" Reggie asks me, walking up to me. Well, the ghost equivalent to it anyway.
"Yeah, where are we going?" I ask him.
"It's a surprise" Reggie smirks.
"Oh god" I sigh, glancing at the other two boys questioningly. "Should I be scared?"
"Not at all" Luke assures me.
"Maybe" Alex says at the same time.
"Oh no" I laugh.
"Come onnn" Reggie says, going towards the door, beckoning for me to follow. Of course I follow, saying goodbye to the boys as I leave.
"So where are we going?" I ask him.
"Well, while the boys and I were exploring the other day we found a lake and I was wondering if you wanted to have a picnic there?" I can't really eat but the boys helped me raid your cupboard and I found some food I thought you would like.." He explains, scrunching his face nervously.
"Aww that's so cute Reg" I smile. "Even if it is a bit cheesy."
"Hey- sorry" he looks down a bit.
"I'm kidding" I chuckle. "Lighten up a bit."
"You're telling me, Reggie Peters, to lighten up a bit?" He asks, cocking an eyebrow.
I pause for a bit. "Yeah you're right, you really don't need to" I reply. "Wait- Peters?"
"Yeah.." he replies confused.
"You've just never told me your last name before. It suits you" I say.
"Thanks" he smiles widely.
We continue small talk until we reach the lake, which surprisingly I hadn't visited before. It really is beautiful.
"Here we areee" Reggie exclaims. We find a shady spot and unravel the blanket Reggie brought. We sit down and he opens the basket, getting out the food. Although, he does struggle a bit. As he is laying out everything onto the blanket, he fumbles a lot and struggles to pick things up, making me chuckle slightly.
"Sorry sorry let me help" I smile as I lift everything out of the basket. Looking at the food I see a small variety of bits and pieces he must've picked from the cupboard. I must admit it's an odd combination, but it's so sweet of him to do this and nothing looks unpleasant. Arrayed on the blanket is an assortment of savoury biscuits, a dip, a few chocolate bars and-
"OH MY GOD REGGIE YOU FOUND MY FAVOURITE CANDY!!" I cry, picking up the box and holding it to my chest like a child at Christmas with a new toy. He laughs. "I haven't been able to find this in stores for ages, they sold out everywhere! How did you get it?"
"Julie helped me find it, she said you really like these" he explains with a smile.
"Ahh thank you thank youu" I reply gratefully. I know it's not the biggest deal, but it's just the fact that someone actually went through this much trouble to make me happy. Usually I'm the one doing that for other people.
"No problem, I wanted to make up for you know..." he replies.
"Shush we're not talking about that anymore remember?" I remind him, raising an eyebrow.
"Alright fine" he smiles, gazing at the food then back at me again. "Well start eatingg! I'll try to make it not awkward since I used to hate people watching me eat" he finishes with a chuckle.
I nod as I start eating, continuing the small talk as I do.
About half an hour later, a lot of the food has been polished with only a few lone remnants on the blanket.
"I'm so full" I claim, putting everything back into the basket. "We can eat some of the rest later. Thank you again, Reggie. This has been so fun" I thank him again, gazing up at him smiling.
"Hey who says it's over?" He replies, causing me to squint my eyes in confusion. "Watch this" he adds.
Closing his eyes and holding out his hands, he tilts his head slightly towards the sky and cries "I wish I had my guitar."
For a few seconds I just watch him, puzzled. However suddenly a guitar appears in his hands- like magic!
"Woah!" I gasp.
"Yeah the guys and I found out since we're kind of like musical ghosts, if we wish for our instruments they appear. I'm kinda sad though, I tried to wish for a puppy and it didn't work" he explains, with a twinge of resentment at the end. "Anyway" he continues, placing his guitar down. "I was thinking we can play some tunes."
"Yeah...sure. Your voice is amazing" I compliment him.
He starts strumming the guitar, playing a few soft tunes as we watch the lake in silence. There are a few small kids running around it, some people riding bikes, and someone playing frisbee with their dog. The wind softly ripples the water, and makes the reeds sway. After a while, he begins to sing a few songs. He sings the song from yesterday, which I've now found out he has titled 'Grey,' and a song called 'my home is where the horse is.' He loves the second song so much it seems like his baby. This makes me chuckle a bit.
Eventually, he stops and gazes at me without saying anything.
"That was amazing" I compliment him again.
"Thanks" he replies. "I was wondering if I can ask you something?"
"Yeah sure" I reply somewhat nervously, unsure of what he's about to ask.
"I was wondering if you could play a bit of guitar for me?" He asks quietly, scared of my answer.
"R-Reggie you know how I feel about music.."
"Yes I do. I haven't known you for long y/n but from the time I have I feel like I've gotten to know you really well. And I don't know...I feel like music might make you happy again. I still haven't given up on my afterlife mission, you know. I feel like music could be your spark. I mean, even if it's not, it won't hurt to try, right? At least once? Besides I wanna hear how amazing you sound" he pleads, pouting his lip. It looks so ridiculous, causing me to laugh. He follows suit, and we both end up in a fit of laughter.
"You really think music could be the thing that makes me happy?" I question him. It all makes sense, and I did make a silent promise to mum to keep my mind open to change. I owe her that much.
"Alright, I'll try" I resign, sighing quietly. I look at his guitar, as it expecting a spider or some other stressful stimuli to jump out of it. After concluding there isn't, I pick it up, wrap the strap around my shoulder, and get a feel for the guitar. It's been ages since I've held one of these. I take a deep breath, and strum.

A/N: hey guys, not much to say here. I'm trying to make up for lost time, and have had a lot of inspiration lately. Also sorry I feel like there's a lot of dialogue in this 😂 Hope you enjoy this and once again comment any thoughts <3

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