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Everyone let's out a gasp feeling scared Jay reaches out trying to find someone.. anyone! but he can't find them so he gulps "uh- guys you there?" after just a few second of silence he starts panicking moving his arms franticly all around "guys this isn't funny!" he whines, Rose also searched for her friends and soothed "I can hear you try to calm down don't work yourself up, anyone have a flash light or something?"

Just as they find each other sounds of thunder fills the silence everyone then hears a soft tap tap tap and looks towards the noise. There's a tiny window down by their feet where they can see someone's foot moving in a weird way, it kind of looks like a zombie foot with the skin so pale and all covered with dirt then all a sudden it disappears. The thunder picks up again rumbling over their heads making all the ceremonial masks on the walls shake and a soft creepy voice can be heard from all around the room in a husky low tone it whispers "The Mother seeks you all, you were destined to be here, you all are her children, and now that you are here, you cant go AWAY!" the last word booms loudly in the room.

Jay latched himself onto Rose "this is so creepy! who's mother? And are we really destined to be here??" He whimpered, Rose a bit speechless choked out "I-I don't know, but let's be careful not to touch the walls and also look around together as a group to see if there's a way ou-" she was cut off by the tune of a ice truck it's slowed down in very creepy way, Jay fumbles to get his phone out and turns the light on shining it around revealing they were in a completely different room puzzled Jay freezes "waitt how is this possible we haven't even moved!!"

Isabela walks to the wall seeing a paper stuck to it:

'The path of which you thought was the end...is just the beginning'

Sam takes the paper off the wall and reads the back:

'Mother will test you, the challenges could be easy, mild or difficult, by the end she will know who is worthy to be her child'

Then darkness conquered the room and instantly the lights turn back on now the room starts shifting and changing in shape, everyone was now stuck in a narrow passage like hallway with a little door at the very end. As they looked around they noticed there was nothing but black walls Isabela in a soft and fearful voice whined "we are stuck in a land of no return!"

Jay trembled "t-there's only one way to go, I'll l-lead the way" Rose concerned she volunteers "here let me go" Jay doesn't fight it and lets Rose guide them down the long hallway to the little door. Rose breathes "remember stick together" she opens the door discovering a small room with a poster that reads:


Against the wall is a table that has 4 envelopes labeled with all of the names of the people in the group, Everyone stands in front of their envelope while staring at each other and clearing their throats, At that point Isabela opens her letter first which says:

'Room 1 is what you must enter, at the end of which you will find a small block, you have to get it out at all cost and you must ignore your phobia of insects, then walk past the room full of pest, once you reach the end you must wait until the challenges are finished by the rest that is if they finish'

At this point Isabela looks at Rose and asks worried "what does your envelope say?", Rose shakily opens her letter next and sighs reading out loud:

'Room 2 is more like a closet to play on your fear of claustrophobia, you will have to stay inside and no matter what no screaming and after 10 minutes a door will open where you might or might not find your remaining friends'

Rose can't help but to stress "this is going to be hard but we have to do it! there's no other way. What's on yours Jay?". Jay who has been dreading this moment but continues to open it and covers his mouth shocked then uncovers explaining:

Creepy Crew: A Tale Of Mystery And ImaginationWhere stories live. Discover now