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A deep voice booms through the room "you may have faced your fears, but next is a brain teaser you will have a timer in which you have to slove it in. It is possible for everyone to die so make the right choice" the lights flicker and a random door opens the 4 friends look at each other ready for what's next they walk in together.

There's 3 doors labeled 1, 2 and 3 with a big poster that reads:


You're escaping a labyrinth, and there are three doors in front of you. Door 1 on the left leads to a raging inferno. Door 2 in the center leads to a deadly assassin and door 3 on the right leads to a lion that hasn't eaten in three months. Which door do you choose?'

A timer starts counting down from 60 seconds all 4 of them know they have to remain calm, Rose gasps "this is a real thing, we have to pick carefully anyone have a clue?" Sam answered first "I feel like I've heard this before I have a feeling we should choose door 3" Isabela adds "that one makes the most sense the poor lion would have died from starvation, door 3 is what we should choose" Jay nods in agreement seeing all his friends were so sure he trusts them.

Jay opens door 3 with his eyes closed they are all hit with the most disgusting smell and to their horror a huge lion was lying still on the floor, Jay gives Sam a look of sorrow he's reads this expression and once the girls realize they both feel overcome with sadness and the boys help rush them past the sad sight.

They find a door happy that part is finally over they just sit in a pile hugging each other. They continue on and when they crossed the door...
They reached the same red room with the ceremonial masks... this room was a little different it had 2 small windows and there were 4 spots on the floor for everyone to stand on. Everyone nervously looks at each other and then Sam says "Rose, Jay and Isa, We did it, and we always will. We just need to stay together and have each others back at all times"

Everyone stood in their respective spots  it felt like they are on a loose brick or something, suddenly the door slam shut and lights turn off soon as everyone stood on it. Then the sound of thunder and rain occupied the room, a bit of light flashed past the room and everyone just stood afraid with their jaws dropped. Then they saw a huge figure in front of them in a bloody red gown with faded golden stitches, also with a golden ceremonial mask. Everyone can clearly see the bold ghostly plain white eyes.... then another flash of light and the person ahead disappeared...Isabela murmured "guys, was that the mother?" everyone stood quiet in fear with sweat covering all of their bodies...

Then a deep toned voice came from somewhere in the room "My Children, you were all destined to be here, The Mother is glad by your presence, you have successfully finished the first phase of tests and as a reward... you will find food in the closet right in front of you. Which will prepare you for whats coming ahead....You have caught the Mother's attention, keep doing the same and you all shall live... failure or betrayal will lead to death or something far worse. You have conquered this day, so celebrate... celebrate because tomorrow, this day won't return"

The room went quiet and the lights turned on, 4 tables magically appeared in the closet ahead filled with fruits and wine. At this point everyone held each others hand and went closer to the closet... Sam took the lead, and nervously opened the closet door more curiousity shined from his eyes when he picked up....a sharp hunting knife and a bow with arrows. Nervously gulping "uh guys, I am scared for whats coming ahead" they all looked wide eyed at the back wall filed with different deadly weapons....


A/N Ellooo there my lovely reader I hope you're loving this so far!!!!! It's been so fun to write next part is coming soon!! Remember you are awesome and suggestions are encouraged 😊


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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