Pick Who?

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"Are you planning on walking home, I have my car parked by?" Thea asked as soon as he saw us getting out of the bus.

We just got to the school parking lot at exactly 7:30 after a 30-minute trip from the forest. We actually woke up early because we had to fix the tents and do a little bit of cleaning up before the next group comes.

I was still sleepy but the other three seems to have gain some energy on the way.

"Oh, I actually have my motorcycle nearby." Josh denied. "Can you take Crainer instead? His car ran out of gas as soon as we got here."

I looked back at Crainer and saw him blushing. Alyssa on the other hand was trying to hide her laugh and so did I.

"Uhh, sure!" Thea agreed. "If you want?... Crainer?"

He just nodded in silence and he followed as Thea started walking to her car.

"But didn't you ride with Crainer and Jelly when you got here?" Alyssa was still chuckling a bit.

"Yeahh.. I was supposed to drive for him for today so I took the keys earlier. What a coincidence I guess." Josh smirked.

We then packed our stuff on the car and dropped Alyssa at their house first before going to ours.

I was planning on telling him about Thea when we were alone at the car, but I suddenly got interested on what's about to happen to the two of them, three if I add Crainer.

Riiinnggg~ my phone rang. I looked at it and it was an unknown number, so I wasn't sure if I should answer it or not.

"Who is it?" Josh asked.

"I don't know, it's an unknown number."

"Well, try to answer it. Maybe it's important?"

I sighed and took a look at it for a bit before answering it. I put it close to my ear and before I could ask who it was, a loud exciting greet screamed through the phone to my ear.

I put it away as the person was still screaming then put it back when they got to calm down.

"What do you want, Sanna?" I sighed and looked at Josh staring straight on the road.

"I just wanted to know if you're home. Can I come? I really want to visit auntie."

"No, she's not at home." I shook my head in disbelief that I am having this conversation.

"Oh, so you're alone?" she asked and took a pause for a moment. "I can keep you company if you want."

"Ok." Josh breathed as he snatched my phone away from me and ended the call himself. He gave it back but he was a bit mad.

"Are you okay?" I asked as if I didn't know what just happened.

"Yeah. But for legal reasons, I'll be guarding as long as I want to." I almost laughed at his statement.

"Okay? But you didn't let me answer her question..."

"Oh? So you wanted her to come?" He glared which got me really scared.

"No! What if she thought I said yes but the call ended?"

"You'd like that wouldn't you?"

"What is the problem with you? I would never do that to you!"

"Says the one who kissed her in front of me and lied about liking it." I shut up after he said that. I crossed my arms and just looked at the side window.

He was the one who told me to answer it anyway. So how was it my fault?

As soon as he stopped the car in front of our porch, I walked out the car and ran to my house. He followed silently but I didn't really care.

I slammed the door of my bedroom and just shut my eyes close as I laid in bed and hugged one of the pillows.

Soon enough, I fell asleep.


I then woke up at the sound of screaming downstairs. I wasn't sure who it was because I just remember shutting Josh out of my room.

I walked downstairs only to find Sanna and Josh arguing by the front door.

"Jelly! Jelly!" Sanna sounded relieved when she saw me. "This guy doesn't want to let me in, I told him a thousand times that it isn't his house to keep me out!"

"And not yours to step in! So get out!"

"Both of you! Shut up!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and I'm glad they did what I said.

"Sanna, do you want pizza? I'm ordering one." I breathed.

Josh then came up to me and started whispering. "What the hell are you doing? You're just making our situation worse!"

"What situation? You said I like her, and that's exactly what I'm doing." I ignored his presence and let Sanna in. He then walked out of the house slamming the door behind him.

I felt bad, but he hurt me so what was I supposed to do?

"Hmm... Now I'm reconsidering if I should even help Thea with him." Sanna breathed behind me.

"Yeah..." I just sighed and looked away from the door.




[Adore You - by: ꜱᴋʏᴊᴀɪᴛꜱ] - Jelly x Slogo FanficWhere stories live. Discover now