The Cliffside

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5am, I stepped outside with my other foot limping because my stupid ankle still didn't heal up.

"Going somewhere?" A tall peculiar boy asks as we stumble into each other by the door.

"Just going to watch the sunrise, Crainer will join me later." He takes a look at his watch and looked at me confusedly.

"It's 5am." He addressed as if it was going to stop me from going outside. He then sighed when I wasn't giving him an answer. "Can I at least join you?"

I nodded at his request and he helped me walk by the cliffside. It was pretty quiet, II didn't know what to say nor do.

"If you're ankle is still not getting better, I can show you a wonderful spot that we can go to. And by we', I meant with Crainer and Alyssa, not just the two of us." He clears his throat after clarifying what he meant.

I laughed at it, and he followed with a shy chuckle. "Thank you for yesterday." I mentioned, but I looked away as I said it. I was actually cold, and I kept rubbing my hands as we kept talking.

"Can I hold your hands?" I assume he noticed.

I just looked at him but he still continues to do what he requested. While mine was cold and raspy, his were so warm and soft which made me feel comfortable beside him.

"Is it really necessary to hold your hand just because I'm cold?" I asked, feeling a little awkward after a few minutes.

"If you're still cold, I can give you a hug instead." He suggested.

"Thanks." I breathed as I leaned towards him while he was giving me a hug. The sun rose exactly as we did that. Maybe... I should give him a chance?


"Good morning!" Crainer greeted while cooking some pancakes as Josh and I entered the camping house.

"Good morning?" I asked. "Why didn't you go to the cliffside?"

He looked at Josh and smiled, "So... When are we going to the wonderful spot you were talking about?"

"You were snooping on us?" I questioned.

"Well, yeah? No? Yes, and no. I left when you thanked him about yesterday. Do you want pancakes though?"

"Uhh, can I have 2 please?" Josh chimed in.

Since Crainer was done cooking, we joined Josh at eating some of it, we didn't dig into all of it because we saved some for Alyssa and Amelia.


"Are you sure Crainer is good at cooking?" Alyssa whispered to me but Crainer heard it as well.

"How dare you?! You ate my pancakes!" Crainer screamed.

"Excuse you! Pancakes are easy to make!" She argued.

"Guys, chill." I laughed. "Yes, he does cook well. Just go and have a taste." I suggested.

She jokingly rolled her eyes and went near Crainer to taste it. Now they're arguing because Crainer won't give her the recipe, and I just laughed at them.

As we were preparing some stuff for the picnic inside, Josh and Amelia were having a chat outside about the car we're about to use.

A few minutes later, they came in but Amelia had to rush out because she was already late for the activity she was supposed to supervise.

"I'm about to get the car, wanna join me?" Josh asked me. But when I was about to give an answer, Alyssa cut in and wanted to join too.

I was fine with it, but then Crainer pleaded at her, "No, I need you to help me here."

"Oh sure! I can-"

"No! I don't need your dirty ass around here! Go with Josh for fucks sake!" Crainer pushed me off like he was trying to tell me something, I was about to ask but Josh pulled me by the arm.

"You seriously didn't know what he was telling you, huh?" Josh laughed at me, but I didn't bother to ask why.


"Alright!" Josh shouted as soon as he finished fueling up the car.

"So, are you going to sit next to me as I drive?" He winked.

"Woah! Hold up Mr. Flirty!" I laughed.

"What? If you don't want to, you can be on top of me." He cuffed my cheeks with his warm hands and I just chuckled.

"You're so pink right now, wonder if it'll turn red if I kiss you." He continued flirting.

"Okay, stop. I'm not." I continued laughing because he was always moody and serious, and now flirting like crazy.

It didn't stop him though, because as soon as I try to remove his hands that was holding onto my cheeks, he brushed his lips on mine.

I didn't bother to fight it, his lips were so soft, while it was playing on mine. It was slow, so I enjoyed it. He then started sliding his hands down through my back, and pulled me closer to him.

I rested my hands on his chest, and it was slowly going intimate as he slowly lifts the back of my shirt and trailed his hands onto my skin.

I felt lust burning through me, and I didn't even stop myself for making the kiss faster. I leaned in closer and closer until he was pushed onto the car.

"I'm sorry." Josh whispered after parting our lips apart. We were both catching up on our breaths, but I was too confused not to ask him why.

"The other two are waiting for us." He laughed as he planted a soft kiss on my forehead.


"What took you guys so long?" Crainer complained because they were waiting for 20 minutes, which is honestly not that long.

"And why are you covered with black stuff?" I looked at myself on the mirror as soon as he mentioned that. Then I looked at Josh's hands. Dammit, why didn't he mention that?

I sighed and excused myself so that I can take a quick shower to take it off.

As soon as I got ready, Crainer was waiting outside of my room.

"Turn around." He ordered seriously so I did what he said. He lifted my shirt a little and checked on something.

"You didn't even scrub it properly." He shook his head in disappointment, but then slowly started laughing.

"Was he good?" He questioned while laughing out loud, but I quickly covered his mouth.

"Eww, get that away from me. I don't know what body part you touched." He slapped my hand away and I just rolled my eyes at him.

"We didn't have sex you idiot. We just kissed."

"Then why do you have the black stuff on your back?"

"Hey, are you guys ready?" Alyssa suddenly interrupted.

"Ready to go or ready to shake some ass?" Crainer bursts out laughing while me and Alyssa looks at him confusedly.

"Let's just go." I sighed, but I couldn't help but smile.

[Adore You - by: ꜱᴋʏᴊᴀɪᴛꜱ] - Jelly x Slogo FanficWhere stories live. Discover now