A Future With or Without

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"Have you talked to him yet?" Crainer asks after a week of misery.

He haven't talked to me nor with Crainer and Alyssa. He keeps ignoring us every time we try to keep up with him.

He doesn't talk unless it's needed. Reminds me of the first time I met him. It's kind of stupid that we're doing it all over again, the difference now is that we have a history.

I shook my head at Crainer's answer and he just pats me on the back.

"I'm sure he'll come around." Alyssa starts talking. "I mean.. He has to, right?"

I'm actually rethinking my decision about moving to Japan. But the thing is, I also have to think about my dad and my sister. I can't drag them down with me just because of a guy I met 3 months ago.

I'll figure all these stuff about Josh, just not now. I have to work on the files needed for my transfer. I have 2 weeks more. What could go wrong? Aside from me not being able to talk to him.

Another week pass by, but nothing has changed. It's like living in a time loop where you just live in a world whilst thinking of the same problem over and over again.

It didn't bother me enough to stop me from studying for the incoming exams though. My future doesn't depend on a person, it depends on me.

If I make a mistake, then I will forever live by it. Mom died hoping that someday, I can pursue my dream.

And my dream...

My dream is to...

To be with Josh...


The exam lasted for five days. It literally filled up my whole 2 weeks, studying for it.

Nonetheless, I really hope I did good. And besides that, we have a two-week semester which will be my time to pack and go to Japan.

Aunt Diana already bought mine and Jalene's tickets. Dad will be staying for another month to still properly manage his work.

Our flight leaves three days from now. Mom's important stuff were already packed and sent a few days ago, the ones that I need now are my clothes, gadgets and my notes from school.

I don't know if I'm going to need those, but it's worth to make sure.

As I was searching for more things to bring, I saw a familiar book in one of my drawings.

I rub my thumb against the title, 'Unbelievers'. I forgot I had it, so did Josh, because he never really ask for it ever since I told him about it when we went camping for the class officer practice thingy.

I was arguing to myself if I should give it back or keep it for a memory.

I ended up thinking it wasn't mine, so I can't really bring it with me. I still haven't read the whole thing, I just scanned the first page and then put it away because I was too busy with school.

I then started writing a note on a piece of paper and slipped it in one of the pages.

I'm going to give it to him once I can.

My phone rang as soon as I got my luggage ready. I also left some clothes if I ever I need them in the future, and of course for my last 3 days here.

I picked up the phone and immediately answered the phone call without being able to see the name on the screen.

"Jelly?" A voice greets.


"Are you free tomorrow?" Crainer's voice cracks with the question.

"Yeah? Are you planning a party for the next three days?" I laugh gently.

He clears his throat, then continues talking after. "Uhh sure? You can call it a party." He scoffs. "We're going to the beach, is that okay?"

"Yeah! Absolutely." I answer happily.

"I'll pick you up 6am sharp."


"Don't forget to invite Jalene!" He shouts onthe other side of the phone and hangs up immediately.

I was going to ask how many was coming, but I guess we're just going to find out tomorrow.




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