Chapter 6

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So this is a fast forward chapter to the present as of RIGHT NOW! :) haha Hope you like!

Chapter 6-

Aria's POV-

I finished stuffing my clothes into Zayn's dresser and turned around resting my hands on my hips. "Are you just gonna lay there and not help me?" I asked.

Zayn slid off of his bed-or should I say our bed? I mean, I didn't know if I should call it our room or Zayn's room. A few weeks ago, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes. Then a couple days ago, out of the blue he asked me to move in with him. I said yes, for two reasons. The first was, I really didn't have anywhere else to live. The second was, I was so happy with Zayn. He made me feel like I was the only girl in the world. I liked that.

Then there was Niall, he acted happy and his usual self. But I could tell something else was wrong. He couldn't look me in the eye anymore, and I caught him sneeking glances at me. I was confused and I was going to ask him about it...soon.

"Aria?" Zayn's smooth voice knocked me out of my trance and I realized that he was only centimeters away from me and his hands were on both sides of my face. "Are you ok?"

I nodded and smiled, "I'm the best I've ever been. I'm perfect."

Zayn smiled back at me, "That's a good thing."

I wrapped my arms around him and leaned my head on his shoulder. It was true, I was perfect. He was perfect! Everything was perfect. I wish it would stay this way forever. Just me in his arms. Happy. My mind drifted off, thinking about Niall. What was wrong with him. Was it me that bothered him? Did he hate me? I couldn't stand it if he hated me. I needed this, a family to come home too. Friends that loved me for who I was.

But then I started thinking about everyone else, how happy they were. Besides Niall, Harry seemed fine. I heard about him and Taylor Swift on the news. Harry told everyone in our group it wasn't true at first, him and Taylor being together. But then he came out and told the whole world, during an interview that it in fact was true. That he and Taylor were together.

Liam...good old Liam was finally happy again. He and Danielle had gotten back together. I knew it was for the best because, she made him happy. I could tell by the way he say's her name or when the boys are talking about the tour. It was visible, his love for Danielle. And as I was in Zayn's arms, I knew that we had what Liam and Danielle had. We were both destined to be together.

Now Louis, he was his same childish and hilarious self. He and Eleanour were still together and happy. I had heard him talking to Zayn about him being happy that he had more solo's in the next album. Apparently, he and Niall both had barely any solo's. I was happy for him, they all had the most beautiful voices I'd ever heard. He and Niall deserved to be on the album as much as Liam, Harry, and Zayn were.

"You seem distracted." Zayn muttered from the crook of my neck.

I giggled at the feeling of his breath on my neck, "I'm sorry, I was just thinking."

He pulled away from me, "No more thinking, ok? How about we just do." He smirked. "That didn't come out as smooth as it did in my head but you get it."

I laughed and nodded, "I do."

"What shall we do today?" He asked me, taking one of my hands and drawing on my palm with his fingertip.

"I don't know. We've done alot of things in the city. I don't know if Paris can hold us." I said smiling.

"I have a perfect idea then! Why don't we just stay in and watch some films." Zayn told me.

I nodded, "Perfect idea. Simple."

"And we get to cuddle." Zayn piped in, taking out one film out of his collection he had on the shelf beside his bed.

I sauntered over to our bed and placed myself under the comforter. It smelled of Zayn's aftershave and a hint of my perfume. Zayn popped the film into the player and jumped into bed beside me. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close then rested his chin on my shoulder.

The previews begun on his large flat screen that hung on the far side of the room. I snuggled closer to Zayn and fixated my eyes on the TV.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Niall's POV

My eyes slowly slid open, I groaned and turned to lay on my stomach. I looked at the time, it was nearly noon. As I started to wake up, everything came crashing down on me again. I was still in love with Aria...

I sat up, and rubbed the back of my neck. I needed a distraction. I needed someone to distract me. Someone who I could relate with...

I slipped out of bed and slid on a pair of pants and a red polo. Pulled a snapback on my head and some sunglasses I found on my dresser. Then I walked downstairs and stepped out of the flat and made my way to the nearest cafe.

- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -

Zana's POV

I fiddled with a loose string on my nite tight sweater that was so itchy it felt like I had the chicken pocks. I silently cursed my Mum who had made me wear this stupid thing out in public. It was dark green, scratchy, and all around ugly.

"Excuse me!" I yelled to the nearest waitress, "I would like to order now."

She pulled out her small note pad and I started naming off the things I wanted. "Medium-wait make that a large carmel and dark whipped-" I was interupted by the sound of the door bells ringing open. My eyes darted up for a second, and they were met with a head of blond hair that was covered by a blue and black snapback. He tugged his sunglasses of and then his ice blue eyes met mine.

"Holy crap. What's the date?" I asked the waiter, my eyes not leaving the mysterious boys' eyes.

"Uh, February 3, I think." She told me.

"I'm pretty sure I've been struck by Cupid a little early..." I muttered out.


So how was it? I made it short so I can add on to the next chapter. Please leave a comment and vote. Dedicated to the wonderful @zanajjar for letting me have her as Nialler's girly friend!!! :D LOVE YOU!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2013 ⏰

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