Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Aria's POV

Zayn took my hand, it was warm and comforting. I followed as he led me up some stairs and then knocked on a door. I heard, people telling people too 'shh' and 'go to the other room!'.

I clutched his hand and took a step closer too him so I was pressed up against his back. The door creaked open and a man dressed in a nice suit stood on the other side. He had a white table napkin over his arm.

The man gestured for us too come in. Zayn pulled me with him as we stepped into the apartment.

"Your table, Mr. Mallik." The man said in a funny accent. Sort of like the movies where the waiter had this propper attitude.

I laughed lightly, "Mr. Mallik."

Zayn laughed with me while leading me too a small circle table covered in white cloth and two table sets. Lite candels were placed all over the room and two on the table.

My hand went over my hand, "It's beautiful Zayn! I feel so underdressed!" I said self-concious about my tee, shorts, and clacky boots.

"You look beautiful Aria. Other from the ovious fire hazzards, I just wanted a normal night away from the fans and paparazzi." Zayn laughed, running a hand through his hair.

I blushed, "Thank you."

Zayn, being the gentleman he is, pulled the chair from the table. I sat down and crossed my hands over my lap.

Another waiter came over with two plates filled with food. It all looked delious. I took my first bite and then my second. I realized that I was starving, I hadn't eaten for 2 days.

"So, do you like the food?" Zayn asked, taking bites of his own. His beautiful chocolate brown eyes staring into my grey ones.

I felt warm prickles spread over my skin, as I realized how utterly gorgeous Zayn was. He was picture perfect in ever way. I felt so plain next too him.

"Yeah, it's good." I said taking a sip of the drink infront of me.

"So, tell me about yourself." He said, doing the same.

"Well, I ran away from home because my mother was just unbearable. I have nothing going for me except for my drawing. I moved here because it's beautiful here and I thought it would have many beautiful places too draw." I paused to watch his reaction, then continued "Then I met you and this happened. This wonderful thing."

We both smiled and Zayn placed his open hand on the table. I set my hand in his, they molded together perfectly. Like we were ment for each other.


The night passed by with us talking about ourselves and laughing. Zayn had the driver pick us up when the fans were gone and we drove back to my motel.

He walked me too my room, "Good night Aria."

I smiled, lingering for a few seconds, "Night."

Before I could open the door, Zayn placed a small kiss on my cheek. His lips felt soft on my cheek. He pulled away and looked into my eyes.

Doing something fairly unexpected, I kissed him. On the lips. Not a second later Zayn pushed me up against the door and kissed back. Our tongues sliding against each other, dancing.

I fumbled with the keys and he began kissing my neck. I moaned, then finally got the door open. Zayn lifted me up and brought me down on the cheap bed, kicking the door shut. I took off his leather jacket and shirt, feeling his stomach beneath my hands. I tangled my hands on his neck and brought his lips back to mine. I felt him pull my shirt over my head.


The red curtains blocked out the light but it made the room look red except for little holes. Zayn hovered above me in nothing but his boxers, me in my bra and underwear. I brought my hand too his face and caressed it softly. A strip of light shone over my face making me flinch.

He was so beautiful in the red light, and even though we just met I felt like I've known him for an eternity. I brushed  my lips over his. I felt his eyes on my lips, I smiled and kissed him hungerly. I flipped us so I was straddling his waist still kissing. I pulled away and layed my head in the crook of his neck. He wrapped his arms around me and I let my eyes close. I felt his heart beat and I felt asleep to the steady beat.


My eyes fluttered open, and I stretched myself out. I looked around for Zayn. I was laying by myself. I felt a peice of paper below my hand. My eyebrows knitted together as I unfolded it;

Last night was amazing....I had to go to the studio early. But be ready at noon, I want you too meet the lads. If that's alright of course..... ZM

I smiled to myself and layed back down, looking up at the ceiling, crushing the paper against my chest. It was amazing, I though to myself. The best night of my life.

Zayn's POV

I ran back to the flat and pulled the door open. I was breathing heavy, it was still early morning so the boys wouldn't be up.

While unwrapping the scarf off of my neck, I replayed last night. Aria was amazing. She was everything I wanted. I only left early this morning because Uncle Simon had too tell me something. He was coming to the flat soon.

Suddenly I felt someone tap my shoulder, which sent me flying in the air.

"Louis! You scared me!" I said, nervously laughing.

He stared at me, "Where have you been?"

I looked around looking for something too distract him, "U-umm, look Louis! Niall's taking your carrot!" I yelled pointing at his carrot which was still there and which the Irish boy was not taking.

Louis didn't seem to be falling for it, "I hear Niall snoring upstairs."

I mentally slapped myself, even China could hear Niall snoring.

"So I'll ask you again. Where were you last night?" He said accusingly.

"Ok fine, I'll tell you. But you can not tell anybody, not even Haza." I said, using Harry's nickname.

Louis' eyes lite up, and he pushed me further into the house. We sat on the couch, and I fiddled with my hair for a second.

"I met up with Aria-" I sighed, "We went to an old friends and ate. Then we went back to her motel and um, kissed."

Louis smirked, "My little boy is growing up!"

I laughed, at least he wasn't mad or anything. "So your ok with me and her. I want her to meet you all today. She's amazing, Louis. Amazing. I think I might love her."

"Oh, boy, you got it bad." Louis said, rubbing my shoulder before picking Kevin off of the couch and running back up the stairs probably to wake everyone up.


I heard a knock on the door. I jumped up and went to answer the door. The rest of the band were seated on the couch waiting patiently. I was met with Uncle Simon.

"Simon!" I said, smiling brightly.

"Good to see you, Zayn." He nodded, "Everyone."

Niall yelled out, "Hello!"

Harry replied with a layed back, "Hey."

Louis clapped his hands, "Uncy Simon!"

Liam nodded, but I was sure he was texting Danielle.

"So, I have some important buisness offers. Zayn, I need you too hear me out. I'm only doing for the band's sake." Simon said.

I looked at him confused, "What now?"

"I've-We've arranged that you will be dating. . ."


F'ING CLIFF HANGERS!!! UGH! Haha :) Vote & Comment!!

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