Chapter 4

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I love all my feedback!  You guys are awesome ! This chapter is dedicate to ALL of you!! x)There is an intimate scene but I will NOT describe everything! So this is still pg-13 (:

Chapter 4-

Zayn's POV

I sat on my bed, looking at my hands. Why couldn't I have said no? Why did this have to happen right when I found the girl? Her voice swirled in my mind.

I heard the front door open and close and then pairs of feet walking up the stairs. I closed my eyes, why couldn't they just leave me alone? I  wanted quiet time!

There was a soft knock on my door. I stayed where I was and ignored it. My door opened, I thought it might have been one of the lads until her purfume reached my nose. My eyes snapped open and I looked up to find Aria standing over me with a smile plastered on her beautiful face.

I hopped up and took her hands in mine, "I'm so sorry, Aria! It was my fault, I should've said-"

She cut me off, "Zayn, shh. I forgive you."

I took her face in my hands, and pressed my lips to hers.

Aria's POV

He pressed his lips to mine, and I kissed back. I missed him. Even if we've only known each other for a short time, I wanted to be with him. I pushed him onto his bed, and smirked.

"I'm ready." I said, pulling my white tank top off.

Zayn cleared his throat, "Are you sure? I mean we could wait..."

I shook my head, "No, I've made up my mind." I sat down on the bed.

Zayn nodded and turned to me. He pushed a strand of hair away from my face and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders. His kiss made a tingling feeling spread all over my body.

I slid his jacket off and threw it on the floor. His hands roamed over my waist as he kissed down my neck. We layed down on the bed and I wrapped my legs around his waist....

Niall's POV

Louis, Liam, Harry, and I leaned against the door. Then we heard a moan and backed away.

"Good job, Zayn!" Harry said.

I looked to the ground then started walking down the stairs. I wasn't trying to like Aria. I mean she was gorgeous, and an amazing artist. I wanted to get to know her more, but I would betray Zayn. What kind of friend would I be then?

"Look at my little Bradford Bad Boi!" Louis said, fake crying.

Harry rubbed his shoulders, "It's okay BooBear. He's blossomed...."

Liam laughed, "Sure has."

I grabbed a bag of crisps then sat down on the leather sofa. "So what's next lads?"

"Watch the telly and try not to hear anything from up there." Liam said, popping in a film and sitting down next to me.  Louis went up to call Eleanour and Harry sat down next to Liam.

Once the film was halfway done, Zayn trotted down stairs, with only some joggers on, and Aria came down in an oversized cuff shirt. If you've never seen a beautiful girl in a cuff shirt then you have not seen anything yet. She had tangled hair and I could smell Zayn's aftershave on her.

"Well well well, she lives! I thought someone was dying up there!" Harry joked, earning a smack in the head by Zayn. I saw Aria blush and look away.

"Hey, mate. Back off" Louis said, coming downstairs "It was more like he lives. Being that Zayn is the screamer."

Harry and Louis high-fived and laughed as Zayn glared at them. I  smiled a little but I kept looking at Aria. Her eyes fell on mine and she waved a little, mouthing a 'thank you'.

I nodded but looked away, stuffing more crisps in my mouth till I realized that I ate the whole bag. I saw Liam look at me in the corner of my eye. Somehow he knew, that something was off about me. I got up and threw the bag in the trash with more force than I intended too. But I couldn't stand this anymore. I couldn't hide my feelings from Aria. I would fight for her, no matter what. Because she was worth the fight.

I intended to win...


So this was a really short upload but I'm gonna start writing more in this like my other books. (: Hope you like! If you want a dedication, tell me what you like about my book in the comments below! Don't forget to COMMENT & VOTE!

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