Chapter 5

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Hey readers! :) I want to dedicated this to you :) Hope you like it, if you want to be a character then PM me!

Chapter 5

Aria's POV

After I left Zayn with a sweet kiss on the cheek I went back to my motel room and layed down on the bed staring at the ceiling and smiling. I couldn't stop because some how I found someone that I connected with. Someone that got me.

I got up and took a shower. The motel didn't even give out shampoos so I wet it and got out. After drying myself I went out of the bathroom and pulled on a pair of black jeggins, a loose lacey beige sweater, a orange scarf, some brown boots, and a pair of earrings. I let my hair fall down my back wet with volumiser.

Grabbing a my purse, I ran out of the hotel and walked a little ways to a small convenience store. The Paris air was cool and smelled of crisp apples that were being baked in a bakery. I passed by couples who were smiling and holding hands. I immidiatly thought of Zayn and smiled.

I saw a sign that said , 'Moe's Lil' Store' and walked in. I was greeted by warm smiles and french 'hellos' I nodded back at them and went into an aisle that held bread.

I felt a vibration on my leg, I pulled  my phone from my boot. It was from Zayn, I opened it and it read: Hey babe, I want you too have diner with us tongiht? xxx

I smiled and texte back, Of course(: When?

I held the phone to my chest and put a few loafs of bread into my cart then went into the dairy section and got milk and juice. I few seconds later he texted back, How about 8ish? xxx

I mentally screamed and replied a 'sure' then I went to the cashier and paid for everything. I took the bags into my hands and walked out of the store. I was replaying the events that happened just a few hours ago in my head.

When I got back to my room it was almost seven, so I dressed up a bit more by adding mascara and light eyeshadow. I looked at the clock, 7:30.

The time seemed to be ticking by very slowly. It was agony to just sit and look the clock. Once it struck 7:50 I decided it was a perfect time to go. I got a taxi and we had a conversation about the weather on the ride there. I gave him the money and a tip, he smiled and waved as I walked to the front door.

I knocked on the door, and patted my hair down an fixed the wrinkles in my shirt and pants. The door opened to reveal a blond haired boy with blue eyes.

I smiled, "Hey Niall." I walked in and gave him a quick hug.

"Hey Aria, Zayn is putting the finishing touches on his outfit in his room. Feel free to sit with us." Niall said, pointing to the seating area where all the boys were just toying around. Louis looked up and grinned happily at me, Harry smirked and waved, Liam put his hand up and said 'hello'. I felt so welcome. I smiled at all of them and set my purse down.

"Hey guys." I said to all of them.

"Hello Aria!' Louis yelled running up to me and hugging me. I giggled and hugged him back.

"Aria!" I heard Zayn from the top of the stairs, I looked up and saw him in chinos, a pair of white chucks, a dark blue shirt, his hair was the usual quiff. He looked very handsome. I let go of Louis and went over to him.

He wrapped his arms around me and I leaned into him, I felt him kiss my head. I pulled away and he kissed me on the lips. It was quick but sweet and sent shivers all over me.

I heard someone clear their throat and I remembered that we weren't alone in the room. I turned around, but held onto Zayn's hand. I smiled and walked to where everyone else was.

I helpe them bring out all the food and then we all sat down. I sat in between Zayn and Louis, while Niall sat opposite of me with Harry on his left and Liam on his right. Zayn took ahold of my hand from beneath the table, I looked at him and laughed.

We all started serving ourselves and eating. I looked up, "So...anything new happening in your lives?"

"Our new CD is hitting the stands in a few weeks." Liam piped in.

I nodded, "I'll make sure to listen to it."

Zayn smiled down at me, "Thanks, love. I know you didn't even know who we were."

I grinned, "Of course."

"So who's single? Taken?" I asked.

"Taken, her name's Eleanour. I think you'd love her. " Louis said, through a mouth full of food.

"Single, my girlfriend and I broke up a few weeks ago." Liam said sadly, looking down at his fork.

"Single. But I'm always up for a good fling." Harry said, winking at me, earning himself a glare from Zayn.

"Single, but it's complicated." Niall said, looking into my eyes and for a second I saw a flicker of something. Jealousy? Anger? Lust? I couldn't tell but as quickly I saw it, it was gone and replaced by a happy grin.

I looked at Zayn, he cleared his throat and got down on his knee. My eyebrows knitted together. My eyes wandered to everyone, they seemed just as confused as I was.

"Aria....will you....uhm....will you be my girlfriend?" Zayn stuttered nervously.

I grinned and tackled him to the floor, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Yes!" I could only mutter out before his lips came crashing onto mine.


Niall's POV

For a moment I though Zayn was going to propose to Aria. But thank god he only asked her to be his girlfriend. I wanted to be happy for them, I really did. At the pit of my stomach I felt something that you should never feel for your friend. I tried to make it go away. I wanted to change my mind about liking Aria.

In the end, she said yes and they started kissing on the ground. I turned away and continued eating my food. Practically shoveling it into my mouth. You know what they say, depression makes you eat.

"Look at Nialler, he doesn't even care. He just keeps eating!" Harry said, laughing and patting me on the back.

Everyone else had a good laugh, even I laughed a little. If only they knew.

This love is only getting stronger.

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