Chapter One

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Kara Bryant clenched her fists as her boss Emmett screamed in her face. She honestly had about enough of his shit. When he wasn't trying to get into her pants, he was yelling at her for something stupid. But, for this particular reason, she was proud of.

"The next time you decide to go above my head, I will not hesitate to fire you. If I say your idea is crap. Then it's crap, end of story."

Emmett was a horrible person and she wasn't even exaggerating. He was the manager of a fast-food restaurant but acted like he was the CEO of the entire franchise.

"We are completely dead on Tuesdays, family night was a good idea and you know it!" Kara knew she shouldn't have fed fuel to his fire, but she was so sick of his attitude. All the women hated him. He was an arrogant bastard, that had nothing better to do with his life then make others miserable.

Emmett smashed his lips together into a straight line and crossed his arms over his chest.

"That's it, one more outburst from you and I will fire you. Even if it meant I wouldn't get to stare at your ass every time you're bent over anymore. His lips curved into a smug grin.

Kara took a long, deep breath of air. She needed to calm herself down. She worked at Bustin Burger, she couldn't let them find out she was a shifter. But, her fox was screaming, she wanted to chew Emmett's face off.

Slowly, she kept taking her breaths. Settling swigs of oxygen, trying to calm her fox. She needed to get a grip, she needed to keep her job. It was the third one this month and she couldn't afford to lose another one. She was already scheduled for eviction. If she couldn't keep some kind of job for longer than a week her landlord wasn't going to let her stay.

"Hey, earth to Kara!" Emmett barked, snapping his fingers in her face. "You need to get back to work. Right now!" As the words escaped his lips, he wound up his hand and slapped it right across her rear end.

Kara's mouth fell open. She was in complete shock. Emmett was usually a dick, but he had never sexually assaulted her before. She spun her body around, knowing she had to do something, or her fox would.

She stretched her hand back then swung it right across Emmett's face. His body fumbled backwards, almost losing his balance.

"You need to keep your filthy hands off of me. You're going to be lucky if I don't report you to the regional manager. I could get your ass fired." Kare screamed. She was so angry, she could hardly control her temper.

"You won't say shit, little girl."

Emmett got real close to Kara's face. She could smell the stench of his aftershave reeking from his ugly face. Every breath she took her nose burnt with the toxic fumes.

"You won't be saying shit, you know why?" Emmett whispered. "Because, I know your little secret. You may have the rest of these idiots fooled, but I know you're not human. I know all about your little friend you keep locked uptight. And, the last time I checked, Bustin Burger doesn't hire shifters."

Kara's face wrinkled in disgust. How the hell did he find out? She had been so careful. She always drove at least an hour away, she never shifted in the city. She couldn't even look at Emmett, she didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

"I'm guessing you're wondering how I found out? You were very careful, I probably never would have known. But one day, a man came into the restaurant looking for his poor little shifter daughter who sadly ran away. He showed me a picture of a beautiful woman. I told him I had never seen her before. But, now that I think about it, she resembles you, very much." His lips curved into a snakey smile. He had her, and he knew it.

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