Chapter Six

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Mason was sitting at his computer deep in the shifter black market. Looking for clues or anything that could help him find something about the anti-shifters. He knew they were going to strike again, he just didn't know when. He may have also been looking for any kind of information he could find on Kara.

Deep down inside he could feel his bear rustling, his bear wanted her, he needed her. But, Mason wasn't willing to let himself have any kind of feelings for anyone. Except maybe, Sasha. He knew it was only because that would never be a real relationship. There was no way anything would ever come of them and that's how he liked it. He liked being alone, he deserved to be alone.

He took out his phone, searched out her name, and began to type. His bear was growling at him, snarling even. His bear didn't want him speaking to anyone else. If it were up to his bear he would make Mason march right up those stairs. Beat down her door and take her right there.

He of course would never let that happen. His animal thought like an animal. All those emotions and mating feelings were garbage. He didn't have a mate and he definitely didn't want to have one either.

Soft singing began to fill the basement. "Oh, here we fucking go," Mason shouted as he pushed himself away from his computer desk. He got up and threw his body against his door. Sage was a master at invading personal space. He changed his locks but she always seemed to figure out a way to get in.

"Mason, it's your favorite, almost sister-in-law. Open up or I'm coming in anyway." Sage sang in her overly pleasant voice. He couldn't fricking stand it.

"Go away Sage, I'm not coming out. I did what you wanted me to do and I even brought you back a friend. So, please just leave me alone." Mason begged. Only, he knew she wouldn't just leave him alone. She never did. He heard her jiggle the door handle for two seconds before he heard the lock pop.

He planted his feet firmly on the ground and smashed his shoulder against the top of his door. He could feel her push but his push back was much stronger.

"Don't make me get Kane! One call and you know he will be down here with a quickness. Especially if I start to scream or cry. Do you want me to cry Mason, cause I will. I think I actually feel some tears coming on at this very moment" He could hear her breath start to quicken and little sniffle squeals.

He rubbed his head with his hand. The annoyance was so strong with her. She knew how to always get her way. And, if Kane came down here thinking he made her cry he would never hear the end of it.

"Fine," Mason shouted as he opened the door. And of course, instead of a sad, wet face, he was greeted with a huge, bright smile.

"Dammit Sage, what the hell do you want from me?" Mason questioned. His vocal expressions were always so unpleasant when it came to her. Sage was the number one advocate of killing him with kindness. And, it absolutely drove him insane.

"There is a staff meeting at three o'clock and your presents is required." She said using her serious voice this time. Not squeaky or bubbly. No smile, just a straight face. Her eyes weren't wide and bright. They were soft but serious all at once.

He was about to tell her that there was no chance in hell he would be attending, but before he could even get a word out she cut him right off.

"Don't even think about it. You will be in attendance and you will listen to everything Kane and I have to say. I don't care if I have to drag you and your unruly bear up by its ears. It's in one hour!" Sage didn't even give him a chance to rebuttal. She swiftly turned around and shut the door on her way out.

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