chapter 1

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Harry's pov

I held my schedule in one hand and bags in the other, I found my room in no time and I was currently standing outside waiting for a good time to knock, I don't want to interrupt anything and start off on the wrong foot. I was about to knock when the door was flung open and I was met with a blond lad.

I went to open my mouth to speak but the other guy got there before me and said "heyyyy I'm Niall and that's Liam" he pointed to the guy standing behind them, he seemed nice and sent me a smile which I sent back. "wait you are Harry, right?" asked Niall "um yeah that me I guess" "you guess" Liam replied. "umm I mean yeah" "ok well our new roommate, congratulations!" Niall said and Liam laughed at his blonde friend. "ok well don't be scared mate come in!" Liam said. I was a bit scared, but I remembered what my mum said to me before I left 'don't be afraid love, everyone is going to be so nice and you will have a great time.' For some reason I believed her.

So, I stepped into the room and put my bags down on the empty bed and turned around to see Liam and Niall smiling. It was weird I had just got here, and they were so welcoming I didn't even know them, but I guess my mum was right until I heard the door swing open. I turned my head so quickly you could have sworn I would get whiplash; I wasn't ready to see the guy who came into the room.

It was the blue-eyed stranger, and a friend. None had to know that I was secretly hoping he was JUST A FRIEND, but I don't even know why, I had literally only shared one conversation and not a very long one with the blue-eyed boy. I was just drawn to him I guess; he was breathtakingly gorgeous and probably is taken because who wouldn't want that! I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the guy next to blue (I named him that because of this eyes teehee) say "oi ni who's that" he pointed at me and I felt myself get flustered under everyone's gaze.

Luckily niall took the attention off of me for a bit by answering "this is harry, he's our new roommate." He then turned to me and said "haz this is Zayn and lou-" he was cut off by a crash, Liam had dropped his plate and it had smashed. "oops" he said, and blue started laughing. His laugh was almost as beautiful as him, ALMOST.

When the laughing had died down the attention was back on me, great. Everyone was looking at me with different faces, Zayn was confused whereas Liam and Niall were smiling but blue was smirking at me, that confused me the most.

It was silent until niall spoke.

"ok well stop staring he's not a ghost"

Blue chuckled and everyone joined in, they seemed nice. But the moment had to have stopped at one point and I had to be brought back to reality.

"ok well we are all going to the pub now haz" niall exclaimed.

"yeah, you can come if you want?" asked Liam, but I didn't really feel like getting drunk and having a hangover on my first day of lectures.

"um no thanks, don't really feel like having a hangover on my first day of lectures" I laughed.

"you don't have to drink, just come with us, ill look after you ;)" blue said and finished with a wink. Omg I'm going to die if he does that again I thought. But when everyone started laughing, I realised I had said that out loud. Whoops.

I looked over at blue. He seemed sad, so there was only one thing I could do, I'm going to regret it tomorrow.

"ok yeah that sounds good, only if you don't leave me though" I said to blue and I loved that fact that I made him smile.

"ok deal!" blue replied

And we went to the pub.

I have been here with blue for 3 hours now, everyone had left us, Liam went off with Niall. I have no idea what they are doing but they seemed giddy, zayn left with a girl, they are probably going to have sex. Ewww how can you even think about doing IT with a girl ugh no. anyway me and blue where currently squished on a couch with 2 other boys. They said their names where Ed and Tom, never met them before but neither had blue so it was fine.

They got up and I guess they were leaving because they just walked off.

Great now it was awkward we are just sat here not talking, ughhh should I speak, no he should he invited me, but I don't want to be rude, but what if I say something stupid. I was snapped out of my thoughts when a girl with long legs and beautiful brown hair came over to us and started speaking to blue.

"hey handsome, you wanna get out of here ;)" ugh cringey I thought but would never say that its mean. I was scared for blues reply because if he left, I would be all alone, and they would you know, ugh I don't want to think about that!

"uhm no thanks" blue replied, to say I was shocked would be an understatement. She was stunning.

"ugh fine, hey" she turned to me. WHAT THE HELL YOU LITERALLY JUST HIT ON THE GUY NEXT TO ME!

"um hello?" I saw blue smirk into his drink next to me.

"do YOU want to get out of here ;)" omg what is wrong with her, I guess her gaydar isn't that good.

"nope" I said popping the p.

"whyyyyyyy" she replied sounding a little needy

"ok love, sit down yeah." She sat next to me.

"IM GAY, I LOOOVEEEEE DICK" I shouted. Everyone looked at me, blue started spluttering next to me, I guess he choked on beer. I didn't really think about that.

"WHAT, i thought I had a good gaydar!" hahaha

"guess not because I'm proper gay!"

"ok well bye" and she ran off to find another man to flirt with, good luck.

Blue just looked at me with an unreadable facial expression.

"so your gay?"

"yuppp!" I was a bit drunk at this point

"good to know" we whispered, I guessing he thought I didn't hear him, but I did. 

///  chapter 1 yayyyyy! i will be updating soon i have only just outlined what chapter 2 will be so it might not be on tomorrow but maybe you never know! i finish school and go straight to writing so hopefully it will be up tomorrow! 

anywayyyy how are you guys liking this story is it good?!? i hope so or there would be no point in writing it hahaha. 

sowy for spelling/grammar mistakes :)

please vote :)))))  

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