Hey I'm Erin this is going to be my first fan fic so please be nice if its terrible :)
This is a Larry stylinson fan fic so if you don't like that or support it please leave :))
This story will include:
. Boy x boy
. Maybe smut but idk bc I don't rlly think I would be good at writing that but maybe ;)
. It will be in a college setting.
. Drinking and drugs
. past trauma (abusive relationships)
I will be uploading the first chapter soon :))))
A lil bit about me :
. I'm 14
. Im a Louis but I love all the boys
. oBvIoUsLy I'm a larrie
. I live in the Uk
. I have 4 pets : 2 dogs, a cat and a tortoise
. I'm also a massive marvel fan!
. My fave tv show is Big Bang Theory ( I named by tortoise sheldon bc of that show )
. And I love everyone who is thinking of reading this!!!!!
- love Erin

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