Behind the scenes of "I'm Only Yours"

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Alright, this story.

I thought of it in the middle of writing "Bride of Bill Cipher." I don't really like writing two stories at the same time so I went right to it once I finished.

This story was pretty fun to write and it's my most successful one so far :D

A lot of different things inspired me to write this story: animatics, fan art, other stories, etc.

I don't know if any of you watch Steven Universe (shoutout to my SU fans out there) bit Spinel was one of my inspirations.

She's a character who waited six thousand years for her "master."

Pink Diamond not coming back to her broke her and turned her mentally insane. It's sort of like how Dipper would go insane at the fact that he had no master.

There's also a scene when Spinel accepts Steven to help her and she immediately wishes to be told what to do. Without instructions she was lost again, not knowing what to do, which lead to her thinking she was abandoned.

It's like how, without no instructions, Dipper didn't know what to do and would just wait until given the job. When Bill left him to his family to take care of, he felt abandoned. Thinking he had done something wrong and failed, he felt as if his life had no more meaning.


This may come to a surprise to you guys, but I also got some of the idea for the story based on my life as well.

Sometimes it feels easier to just have people do what they tell you. To me it felt, and still sometimes does, like being a pet to someone would just be a lot better than deciding things for myself.

I guess I ended up writing this story to help myself take my own advice. Like Dipper, I still haven't fully accepted it but I feel like I'm getting better after writing this story.

Also please understand that there's no need for concern, I have a great therapist, my friends, and all of you to remind myself that I have meaning and so do all of you.

Speaking of therapist and therapy, please note that Dipper's therapist from Chapter 2 is completely inaccurate to how a real therapist would act. Therapists are there to help you and can be very helpful, don't think they'll let you down like Dipper's therapist did.

Hope that clears that and if you ever want to talk to someone I'm also here to help.

Also, fun fact: I was reading "Dipper and Mabel and the Curse of the Time Pirates' Treasure" and there's a character that's just like Dipper in my story. He only wishes to serve and yearns for a master. Coincidence? I think not!

Oh! And btw, you can listen to the story read by LoveYouToTheSunNill9 on their podcast on Spotify! You can probably ask them or me if you want a link to check it out.

Any way, I think that's all the "behind the scenes" for this story. If you guys have any questions you can still ask in the comments.

Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYE!

(Now a little something for you guys coming up next...)

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