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Okay so I have edited the book and this is the final published version until further notice. Thank you all so much for the support and the time you all take to read my book. This is officially my first completed and published book on wattpad!

Please vote, comment and share! I have heaps more books waiting to be published.


Riah got out of her black jeep and walked towards the familiar entrance while studying her surrounding with every step. Dawson High still looked the same since the last time she set foot on school ground. She caught the attention of the typical jock group of boys standing around the parking lot shooting her glances filled with confusion. She scoffed knowing very well the reason why they would even dare risk a glance with what seemed like their girlfriends so willingly flashing their goods in front of them.


After retrieving her schedule from the same old receptionist lady at her usual spot, Riah quickly scanned the classes she owed the pleasure of taking in her last year. She had the usual Math, English, History, Biology and Chemistry. She sent a silent prayer of thanksgiving up above for granting her with the electives she chose during her enrolment a few weeks ago. She'd hate having to sit through a boring class with no interest in it whatsoever.

Ahem, physics.

"Oh you must be the new student, welcome! My name is Mr Clark." She glanced up to meet the familiar set of hazel eyes. Riah held his gaze until there was a shift of emotions in them, his lips parted slightly and she almost missed the minor gasp that released his mouth.

So this is my Maths teacher. She thought to herself.

She didn't dare spare him another second to welcome her back and to utter out any meaningless words. Instead, she "gently" shoved her way through the little space between him and the door and took her time walking to the empty desk at the back of the room. She enjoyed every step while the rest of the class followed her every move with their eyes. She relished in the attention she was receiving and couldn't possibly pass the opportunity of her classmates watching her as realisation started to slowly slam in their faces.

"Is that who I think it is?" She remembers the voice so well. The voice of the stereotypical Queen Bee, Bianca Stewart.

The rest of the lesson continued on yet she couldn't help but feel her anger increasing with every minute she felt their heated gazes on her face. It was definitely not how she expected herself to react towards her fellow classmates. She thought she enjoyed the attention but she was wrong. She abhorred it with every fibre of her being. As typical as it may sound, she was saved by the bell. However, she couldn't help but smirk at thought that it was actually her classmates who she should consider saved.

She strolled down the busy corridor to my next class and like before, she was tortured with vicious and resentment glares from a group of girls who devoured in the pleasure of taunting her in the past. An outpouring of anguished memories flashed before her eyes, but it didn't faze her. She wasn't the same anymore. She refused to let them march all over her again.

She glanced their way with her head held high with pride and strode down to her next class. She didn't miss the look plastered on their faces. They were fuming which only fuelled her satisfaction.

Her next couple of classes consisted of the same events. Her teachers giving her the exact same look and by the time lunch started, she craved to be alone somewhere outside. She never made a friend in the past therefore there wasn't really anything to come back here for. The only reason she came back to this school was because it was closer to her parents' work place. Riah may have changed but her sense of intelligence and skills to excel amongst her peers was still perfectly in tacked. The thought of having no friends didn't bother her one bit. She was actually thankful. She hated having to commit to after school hangouts and other routine events friends do after school or in the summer breaks. She liked to keep to herself and not having to depend on anyone else. She was better off on her own.

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