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"Kate wake up. Today we begin your training" I start to shake Kate on her shoulders and she still wouldn't budge. Okay then, plan B it is.
I rip the covers from her body and pushed her off the bed. She landed roughly on the cold wooden floor and what came next were really annoying screams of death threats. Maybe I shouldn't have done that.
"I'm going to kill you Ree!" She gets up from the floor and charge towards me roaring like a warrior in battle. Crap.
I sprint for the door and downstairs to the gym with Kate trailing quite quickly behind me. The sound from our feet slamming against the wooden floor echoes through out the empty house at 5:30am on a Monday morning. I think this is why Kate looks like she's ready to kill me.
I come to where the gym is located and I quickly rush in through the door pushing it on the way in. Seconds later Kate turns up face all red and huffing and puffing. I threw her some gym clothes and told her to get changed.
"We don't have enough time. Our tutor is arriving at 9 and we need to get through a lot." I instructed.
"I will get you back for this! Who the hell would want to get up early on a Monday to do work outs!" She exclaims.
"Hey enough complaining! Imagine if this were a real life situation and you were just about to die. Would you be complaining? No I don't think so because you would be the first to run for your life. Now get changed or I'll make you work even harder." I said
"Okay fine. I can't believe this is what you do everyday." Sh said.
"You will get used it!" I shout after her retrieving back to the changing rooms.
Never, was her reply. I chuckle to myself and wait patiently for her. When she came back she looked like she hadn't slept in days. She looked dead.
"What time did you go to sleep last night Kate? I asked puzzled.
"Uh-huh - well uhm maybe past midnight? " She said nervously.
"How late?" I asked again.
"Okay I went to sleep at 4!" She finally confessed.
"So that's why you look like this." I said gesturing to her entire body.
"Wow thanks so much captain bossy!" She said.
"Why were you up that late?" I asked.
"I am not telling you that." She said. She's blushing.
"Oh does Kate here have a boyfriend? " I said bantering at her.
She's about to say something but I ended her embarrassment by changing the subject.
"Okay I think I have had enough words with this topic. I'm wasting my energy. Let's start with some stretches then we're going to do fifty push ups and sit ups." I said walking over to the middle of the room.
"Fifty!? Ree have you seen me? I can't do that! There is no way!" She just never stops complaining does she?
I sigh heavily and spun around on my heels arms folded across my chest.
"Fifty is just the bare minimum. I do a hundred every morning and I increase it as the week progresses. This is nothing. Now stop with the complaining! Honestly. If you put all that energy from complaining into doing your push ups and sit ups, we would be done in less than 15 minutes." I said pulling a face at her.
"Okay. Just don't kill me on my first day. This is actually the first time I've done proper workouts." She said shaking her head looking up to an imaginary place on thin air.
"You haven't even begun! " I said.
"Shh goodness me. You're so bossy!" She said.
I roll my eyes and ignored her comment.
I took her through doing the main stretches and a few other ones. As well as the fifty push ups and sit ups, I had to show her the proper way of doing it. She looks like and old granny crawling to look for her false teeth on the floor. What was ment to take only 15 minutes ended up taking a whole hour because she complained too much.
"You are probably the worst person that I have ever taught how to do push ups and sit ups. How could you complain so much is beyond me! Simple instructions and you can't even follow through. How the hell are we going to continue if this is how you act? Do you want to be left alone to defend yourself and ending up dead or injured because you can't do a damn thing?" I said quite pissed off really at her.
She had her head bowed and standing in front of awkwardly.
"Gees I can't believe I'm telling you off right now."
"Okay fine I'm sorry." She sounded apologetic and sincere.
"Fine. Can we continue without having to hear you complain?" I said my eyebrows raised at her with my eyes piercing straight at her. I want to let her know how serious I am. She swallowed quite loudly and nd nodded her head so fast I swear she would end up breaking her neck.
After two solid hours of working out, we are finally able to sit down and chill for a while before getting good ready for our study lessons.
"Now that wasn't so hard was it? Today was just working out and teaching you basic warm up techniques. Tomorrow will be more advanced a who'd complicated but you can pull through." I said sipping from my water bottle.
"Okay. Prepare my funeral because I am sure I'm going to die by the end of this week. " she said quite seriously.
"Stop exaggerating! You'll be fine!" I encouraged.
We laughed it off and disappeared off to out separate rooms to get ready for our study period. Even though we're not allowed to go to school we can still study at home which I'm more than happy with. I still want to go to university despite whatever comes my way.

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