-Part 8-

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//TW!!! Bullying

Aspen woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. The sickness she had acquired had gone away and she was ready to face the day. She put on a simple black dress with a plaid tee-shirt underneath. It was fairly warm today, so she didn't bother with a sweatshirt. She packed up all the things necessary for school and headed out the door. The bus arrived not long after, and she sat down in the seat where her best friend was.

"Sup Marky Boi"

"Someone's perky"

"I don't know, I'm just feeling myself"


"I'm ready for my second week of school. That's weird. I feel like I've been here forever and that we've been friends forever, not just a week." The short girl said

"I was thinking the same thing actually. I'm glad someone's exited for school though. Because I'm certainly not"

"Understandable, but heyyyy things will start to look up because I'm here" she said while punching his arm playfully

"Yeah, I guess I do have this pretty mediocre person that I guess is kinda my friend now" he said jokingly

"Rude" Aspen turned away and fake pouted

"Ahh I'm joking" he laughed while wrapping an arm around Aspens shoulder.

Soon they arrived at school. Taking a deep breath, aspen got off the bus, and her and Ranboo walked into the building. They went to their first class, which was math. It being a Monday, their teacher looked hungover once again. The teacher fell asleep within 5 minutes so now people could get away with anything.

"Aspen I'm gonna run to the bathroom I'll be right back okay?" Mark told the girl, who was reading a book at the time.


As soon as Mark left, Aspen knew something was up. She looked up from her book to see all eyes on her. She felt uncomfortable and closed her book, careful not to loose her place "what are you guys looking at"

"Listen here Aspen," Austin, the guy who was tormenting Aspen all week, started "I'm tired of your snarky comments. All week you've been giving me sass. No one does that to me. And you've gotten away with it because of your 'night in shining armor' Mark. He's not here right now is he"

Aspen got scared. She knew it wasn't gonna get better "No he's not- but he will be back soon. He litterly just went to the bathroom. And if I were you I wouldn't touch me because he will hurt you. He is like 8 inches taller than you, and he could easily beat you in a fight"

"Not if he doesn't find out" Austin said while throwing a punch at aspen, striking her right in the eye. She fell out of her chair. She was only 5'1", not tall enough to take Austin, who was 5'10" in a fight. So she used the only thing she had to her advantage. Her brain.

"That punch would have been better if you lined it up correctly. You see if you would have adjusted the angled and timed it correctly it would have been more effective"

"You think you can use fucking math to your advantage. Do you know how suck upy that sounds? Fucking nerd" Austin kept throwing punches, Aspen missing only some of them with her agility. Everyone else in the room cornered her. She couldn't do anything. Aspen found herself being lifted up by the collar of her shirt. She was defenseless. She was inches off the ground. Her only 'advantage' had failed her, and Mark was gone. She started gasping for air, as her collar was choking her. She was abruptly thrown down as the booming voice of Mark came through the room.

"What the FUCK do you think your doing?" He said, while rushing over to check on Aspen, who was trying to breath.

"Uhh, nothing, ooh look at the time, got to go to class" Austin stuttered

"The fuck your not. You touched the ONE thing I care about in this school. Your gonna pay." Mark walked up to Austin, towering over him. He threw a punch down at the shorter male. The punch was powerful enough to knock him on the the ground.

"If I see you lay so much as a fucking FINGER, on Aspen again, then your done for"

Austin's goonies surrounded him, trying to get him back on his feet, as Mark hurried back over to Aspen.

"Hey hey, are you okay?" He asked. Aspen pointed to her throat, there was a line from where her shirt rubbed up against her skin. She was still struggling to breath for air. "Hey it's gonna be alright, okay?" Aspen nodded and the two made their way outside. They found a bench and sat down. Ranboo wrapped his arm around Aspen and held her close. He inspected her face, and saw her eye turning purple. He also noticed her nose, which looked like it was broken.

"Alright we're gonna go to the nurse." He stated

"no" Aspen manage to get out. Tears rolling down her face.

Mark wiped them away gently, as to not hurt her more. "Aspen your nose is broken, and your eye needs to be taken care of"

Aspen nodded her head and got up. Mark showed her the way to the nurse and made their way in.

"Take a seat" the nurse said, not looking up from her computer. "Alright name?"

"Her name is Aspen Rayne. I don't know if she will be in your system yet, she just moved here last week."

"Okay let me see. Ahh she's here. Now what's wrong." She said looking up. "Ooh deary me— did you get into a fight?"

"She didn't, this kid beat her up for no reason. He was taunting her about reading, and I believe she just spoke to him and he punched her"

"Alright. That's definitely a broken nose. And your eye will probably heal itself in about a week. And your throat? What happened"

"The guy who beat her up, held her up by the collar of her shirt and choked her"

"Ooh that's not good, I need a name."

"Austin Smith"

"He was in here earlier with a black eye? I thought you said it wasn't a fight"

"It wasn't. I punched him after he did that to Aspen" he said pointing toward aspen.

The nurse gave Aspen an ice pack and did the best she could for her nose. Aspen looked like a hot mess to say the least. By the time everything was taken care of it was time for lunch. Aspen had definitely lost her appetite, so while Ranboo ate a sandwich Aspen, sat and thought.

"Thank you" she said


"Thank you" she repeated. "For saving my ass once again back there. I made a fool of myself, and I got myself into this mess"

"Your welcome. I care about you, and I would've Beaten myself up if I didn't help you"

Those words stuck in Aspens head "I care about you" something about them made her heart flutter. She knew she had feelings for this boy, and hearing those words made her fall even harder. But did she dare admit that to him. No. Not right now at least. But for now, she was stuck with her feelings

1226 words. Yuh. Ranboo really cares for Aspen. It shows 😁 yuh. Make sure you drink water and eat food. I love you all

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