"Dad, this can't possibly be true. You did not befriend a dragon, they don't exist!' Sam said, watching me from the couch.
"I believe you, dad!" Michal said. "I want to fight a dragon slayer!"
It had been years since meeting Zagem, and true to my word, I remembered all of it. I adopted 3 children and scraped up enough money to move to Middle rock. Zagem was right, It was beutifful. I just hoped Zagem was still alive to see it.
"Why are you telling us this, again?" Morgan, the eldest of the three, asked. "Today's the day we meet him?"
"Yay! Yay! We're gonna meet a dragon!" Michal said, bouncing around the room.
"Yup, we get to show your sister here that I'm not making this up."
"HEY!" Sam said.
"So is that why we live out here?" Morgan asked. "I always thought it was because of financial issues."
"Nope, It was a dragon," I said.
"You said he could fly, right?" Sam asked.
"Dragons get their wings when they're about 100ish. So I don't think he's there yet." I pointed out.
"I knew that!" Sam said. "I was just testing you." Sam was 11, but she always wanted to be the one to know everything.
"I hear something!!!" Michal said excitedly.
I ran to the door, and I soon heard scrapping at the door. I opened the door to see my large, black-scaled friend. Everyone gasped at the sight of the dragon, and even fearless little Michal hid behind me.
"Why, Hello. Little ones." Zagem said. I motioned for the children to step outside, and I followed.
"Everyone, this is Zagem. Zagem, these are my children. This is Morgan, Sam, and Michal."
Zagem sniffed them curiously. "Forgive me for saying this, but are you sure they are yours? They don't share the same scent."
"Oh, I adopted them," I explained.
"What the hell are you?" Morgan murmured as she ran her hands down his snout.
"My name is Zagem. Last of the Urdut clutch." Zagem said, winking. "I knew your father when he was as big as you." He motioned to Sam.
"Well, Let's not just stand here," I said. "Let's go show Zagem around Middle Rock. What do you say?"
Everybody agreed, and we went on our way. But as we began walking, Zagem said something to me.
"I got something to say. I'll tell you tonight..."

The Dragon Under my Bed
Fantasía~~There's a dragon under my bed, I don't know how it got there, and I don't know if it wants to eat me, or to befriend me~~ Young Garret has lived on 86109 Palm Tree road all his life and has lived a normal life free of danger. One day, his parents...