Chapter Thirteen

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"What's he saying?" Ezra asks.

"He says...He says he knows what happened to your parents," Sabine says, having hesitated on her way to the guns.

The Jedi squints, tilting her head to the side. She opens her mouth, preparing to ask a question, when over the comms, Hera spouts, "Sabine, I need you in the nose gun, now!"

Sabine doesn't even attempt to move, just standing there, staring at Ezra. "Didn't you hear Hera?" he asks.

"Didn't you hear Tseebo?" the Mandalorian responds.

The wave of pure anguish that radiates from the boy, causes the Jedi to whip her head to him, "I already know what happened," he says in a quiet voice, "They're dead. So go!" he shouts at Sabine.

Ar'iabel ventures over to Ezra. The boy turns to the Rodian and yells at him, "Are they? Are my parents dead?"

"Ezra, you need to calm down. I understand, this topic, it's difficult, but, your anger will not only hurt Tseebo, it will hurt you."

The Padawan turns to look at her, his eyes wide. The Jedi can see the tears brimming in his eyes.

"The Bridgers should hide," the Rodian says, and both Force-sensitives turn to look at him, "The troopers came. They took Mira and Ephraim Bridger away."

"Where? Where did they take them?"

"Forgive Tseebo. Forgive him," the Rodian looks so sad.

"Forgive you?" the boy shouts. Ar'iabel flinches back, the anger flowing through the air.

"Tseebo failed. Tseebo was afraid. Tseebo could not raise Ezra Bridger," the Rodian continues.

Ar'iabel stills, and takes a deep breath. Ezra grabs the Rodian, wrapping his hands around his arms, shouting, "Coward! You could have stopped them! Why didn't you stop them?!"

Tseebo's implant begins to beep, the Rodian whimpering. Keen grabs Ezra's shoulder, pulling him away from Tseebo. She gazes him into his eyes. "Ezra, calm down. Your judgement is clouded, and you're making harsh decisions. Take a deep breath."

The Padawan just glares at the Jedi, as Hera's voice comes over the comm's, "Shields down! Ezra, I need you in the cockpit!"

"Yeah. On my way," the boy calls up to the ceiling. He turns to Tseebo, and says, "Forgive you? My parents trusted you, and you failed them and you failed me. I'll never forgive you for that." The Padawan storms away, heading for the cockpit.

Keen sighs, sinking into one of the seats. She lowers her head into her hands. And overwhelming flow of emotions hits her subconscious. She sits there for a few moments. Kanan walks into the room first. "Keen?" he asks, placing a hand on her shoulder, "Are you okay?"

The Jedi lifts her head, "I've been better."

He sits opposite her, "What's wrong?"

"I'm worried about Ezra. I know today is difficult for him, but, the anger he has against Tseebo, it will harm him."

"I know, I've sensed it as well. We'll have to figure something out. Is something else bothering you?"

"It's not important, don't worry about me," Keen says just as Sabine pushes Chopper into the room.

The Mandalorian crouches in front of the Astromech, tinkering with him, trying to power him up. Ezra, Tseebo, and Hera are quick to follow, the Twi'lek immediately kneeling in front of Chopper. The Lasat walks in shortly after.

Keen leans back against the bench, Ezra to her right, Tseebo and Kanan to her left. The Knight waves his hand in front of the unresponsive Rodian's face.

"So? Now what do we do with him?" the Padawan asks.

The Knight glances at Ar'iabel out of the corner of his eye, whilst addressing his Padawan, "We have a few ideas. But you're the one who has history with Tseebo. What do you think we should do?"

Ezra grabs an Imperial helmet, shoving it on his head, "Don't know. Don't much care," he shrugs, standing to leave.

Kanan grabs the helmet, lifting it off Ezra's head, as he states, "Ezra, you'll never advance as a Jedi if you can't be honest with yourself, at least."

The Padawan scoffs, crossing his arms petulantly, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Tseebo does matter to you. You care what happens to him, even if you can't admit it to yourself," Keen replies, sounding slightly bored.

"Why should I? He did nothing to save my parents!"

"What could he have done against the entire Empire?"

"And besides," Sabine starts, "look at what he's done since. The imperials encourage these implants, but they're not mandatory. Not yet. He must have volunteered. And then he uploaded their secrets and ran. Maybe he's trying to make up for letting you down. Why else would he take on the Empire alone?"

The Rodian looks up, stating something in Huttese. Keen's head snaps up as Tseebo informs them of the Empires new way of tracking ships, even when in hyperspace. Ar'iabel goes to translate, but, Sabine beats her to it.

"Oh, please," the Lasat grumbles, "The Imperials can't follow us through hyperspace."

"Imperial XX-23 S-thread tracker was developed by Sienar systems to trace ships through hyperspace to destination."

"Hera, could they have tagged us with that thing?" Kanan asks.

"Guess we better find out," the Twi'lek responds. At that moment, the astromech powers up, chirping in a panicked tone. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down, Chop. You were just off-line for a few minutes, " Hera sighs, pointing to the hologram Tseebo's visor is emitting, "We need you to scan the Ghost for that."

Master Quinara stifles her laughter, as Chopper places his hands on his sides, grumbling.

"Stop grumbling and find that tracker, you rust bucket!"

The droid rolls over to the wall, grumbling all along.

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