Chapter Twenty-Four

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The Crew arrive on the platform just outside of the old Senate building, spying the Senatorial droids just a little ways away

"What do you think?" Ezra asks his Master.

Kanan groans, muttering, "Better safe than sorry."

He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes, and a clang is heard echoing across the courtyard. Both droids turn, and climb onto the ship, where the clanging came from.

Keen is the first one to run for the doors of the old Republic building, the rest of the rebels following her. Just as they turn the corner, Kanan grabs her arm, as a way of getting her to stop., "Hold up," he begins, pointing at Sabine and Zeb, "You two, up top."

As the two climb on to the building's roof, Hera and Ezra take the lead into the building, with Keen and Kanan following right behind. "I have a bad feeling about this," she murmurs to herself.

Kanan just looks at her, rather gravely.

The foursome burst through the giant double doors of the now old, and decrepit Senate building. At the front of the room, the familiar face of Gall Trayvis stands behind a podium. "Hello," he calls, "Who's there?"

"Senator Trayvis. We're friends," Ezra shouts.

"Welcome! I was beginning to think no one on Lothal got my message."

As Hera informs the Senator of the incoming danger, Keen leans toward Kanan, "He's lying."

"About what, all he's done is greet us."

"I don't know, but I don't like it."

"You're paranoid. Not every politician will end up like Palpatine," Kanan says, turning back to the conversation at hand.

"Yeah," Ar'iabel murmurs, once he's out of earshot, "I know."

Blaster fire comes flying through the room, as the doors burst wide open, Agent Kallus strolling in, pointing a blaster at the four rebels surrounding the Senator. "Kanan Jarrus, Jedi Knight. Padawan Jabba. Jedi Master Ar'iabel Quinara. And what have we here? A Twi'lek I've yet to meet. From your regalia, I suspect you must be our talented pilot."

Almost instinctively, the three Force-sensitives have their sabers out, ready to deflect blaster bolts, and Hera raises her blaster, as they surround the Senator, making sure he remains safe.

The Minister follows the Agent, demanding the presence of Sabine and Zeb.

"If you won't talk, then my troopers will become a firing squad."

Keen smiles sweetly at the Imperials, "Ah, the threats, I was waiting for those to come in. Y'know, if you really wanted us dead, you would have shot us by now. We're at point blank range, and even though Stormtroopers are lousy shots, no one's that bad."

"All the same," Trayvis begins, "You'd better do as he says."

"Don't worry, Senator. Our friends will be along," Ezra winks.

From the ceiling rafters, a detonator drops, filling the room with smoke. The Mandalorian and Lasat follow the smoke bomb, each taking out Stormtroopers, while Kallus stands off to the side, practically choking on the smoke.

"Stay close, Senator," the Twi'lek says, leading the group towards the doors.

Keen's eyes drift around the room, although it's difficult to see because of the smoke. "We've gotta get Trayvis out of here!"

The two Jedi, the pilot, and Senator all follow Ezra as he leads them out of the building. As they reach the platform, they find it devoid of all ships, including the Senator's. "Was really hoping that shuttle would still be here," Hera mutters.

An Imperial shuttle flies up, right into view of the Rebels, it's blasters locking onto their position, " And that's not the ride we're looking for."

When Keen's eyes land upon the Imperial shuttle, a smirk splaying across her face. She shrugs her shoulders, "Well, I'm always up for improvisation."

"No, no, no, no, no, no," Kanan demands.

"Wait, what's her plan?" Ezra asks.

"She wants to take the Imperial shuttle."

"I've done it before," she tells Kanan, stepping back a few steps, preparing to take a running leap.

The Jedi Knight grabs her wrist. "Let's just go out the way we came in."

The Jedi Master rolls her eyes, "Yeah, whatever, spoilsport."

About halfway back to the sewer pipe, Zeb and Sabine join the group, "We're gonna want to move fast," Sabine says, "The Imperials are right behind us."

Keen slows from a run to a jog, sticking near the rear of the group, just in case the Imps get bold and do fire on the fleeing Rebels. It seems as if Kanan has the same idea, because he's right beside her seconds later.

"I'm not letting you get kidnapped by the Empire, again."

"Aw, you really do care, Sandy."

The Knight looks at her out of the corner of his eye, "Yeah, not sure why."

The team reaches the pipe mere moments later, the smell filling the air.  "You want me to go in there?" Trayvis protests.

Kanan and Keen eye each other, both lightsabers up and at the ready, as the sound of boots hitting pavement echoes across the streets.

"It's not so bad once you get used to the smell."

Zeb grunts, "You never get used to the smell."

"Can you please just go already," Ar'iabel shouts. Hesitantly, Trayvis lowers himself into the pipe, everyone following suit. The Jedi Master manages to leap into the sewer drain just seconds before the Imps reach it.

As soon as the whole crew is in the pipe, they begin running in the direction of the exit. Trayvis, after running a little ways, gets winded, stopping to rest against the side of the sewer.

Keen slows to a halt beside Hera, who turns around to face the Senator. "Yes, I'm...I'm coming," he pants.

"Ezra, wait up," the Twi'lek calls.

The rest of the Ghost crew stop along with the Padawan, turning around to face Trayvis.

"Sorry, Senator. We just wanna get out of here as fast as we can."

Trayvis looks up at Ezra from his position against the wall, still panting, "I am the one who should apologize, my young friend. I've been pursued, but never in such a place as this."

"Really?" Keen wonders, "At this point, I thought you'd be well acquainted with the fine art of absconding from potential Imperial arrests."

"Well, I...uh…I've never come this close to capture before," Trayvis responds, still panting.

The stomping of boots echoes through the pipe, as well as the voices of the Imperials.

"We'll draw them away! Get Spectre-2 and Trayvis to the hatch," Kanan shouts, as the Imps start to fire on the gathered crew.

Hera, Ezra, Keen, and Trayvis carefully cross an intersection in the pipe, the Padawan stopping to shout, "Wait. How will you find us?"

"I can smell you, remember?"

"Oh," the boy says, alighting in joy.

"Think of something clever to say later. Move!"

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