Chapter 26: The Video of Revenge

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(A/N, This chapter is entirely from Alya's perspective and is longer than normal. I originally had this as one chapter, but it was getting way too long with everything I wanted to say. As it is, it's already my longest chapter yet.)

"How exactly is Lila a reputable source?"

---Alya's POV---

Finally. Nothing could ruin this. nothing. I had pretty much planned for everything, even taking care to make sure all windows and doors were closed in the case of someone getting too emotional. This was justice.

"So. Show of hands, who in this room believes Lila?"

More people than before. Kim, Alya, Ivan, Mylene, Alix, and Julika like earlier, but Nathanial and Sabrina as well. 

"Okay. WITHOUT FIGHTING, please give me a reason?'

Nothing. I expected as much. Lila was smiling widely, probably expecting me to go into some heartfelt speech about how close we were. Well too bad, so sad. I'm done with that Italian sizzle sausage. 

"Ok, so nobody wants to give me an example. Nathaniel, you were originally with Marinette right? What happened?"

The tomato boy's face went red as people stared at him.

"I just realized how she's always been kinda... mean? Like she read Marc's story and almost tricked me into thinking it was Ladybug's actual diary. She looked at all my personal drawings, and even faked being in love with me when I was akumatized. Who does that?"

I said nothing, nodding and listening to Nathaniel until he was done. 

"Okay. That's strong words. Very emotional. And, how may I ask did you come to that conclusion?"

Nathaniel was at a loss for words, contemplating where that particular exchange came from. Lila on the other hand, looked like she was just slapped across the face. Clearly, she was starting to catch on.

"Lila." He finally said.

"Hmm. So Lila told you things about Marinette from before she even came to school? How exactly is Lila a reputable source?"

"She's not?"


Silence. You could cut the tension with a sword. Nobody dared to say a word. Not even Ms. Bustier, who clearly didn't expect me to do this. 

"What are you trying to say Alya? I thought we were friends?!"

"You know what Lila? Remember when I asked for you're opinion? Yeah, me neither. You have the rest of your life to be a heartless, lying, jerk. Why don't you take the rest of the day off?

As if on cue, the crocodile tears began. The same tears that came out whenever Marinette called her out on her obvious fakeness."

"Alya, that's a bit far."

I turned to the voice who had spoken, being Alix. One of my best friends. 

"If you're waiting for me to care Alix, you're gonna be waiting a long time. Now, I have a presentation as Ms. Bustier pointed out before giving me the floor for the rest of class. "

Alix sat down. I don't think I have ever been this forward or mean. 

"Now, Lila, I would say it is fair to say that you looked at Adrien like the sun. He was the light in your life, which gave being to your universe. I'm sure Adrien will agree on my with this, but you were his sun too."

Adrien shot up and was clearly about to object, but one look and the message was clear. Trust me, I know what i'm doing.

"After all, he could barely look at you without nearly going blind. When you left him, he would watch happily. You gave him unbearable sunburns and scars that only stood to remind him about you and your toxicness. "

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