Chapter 45: Sharp Truths

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(A/N I am SO sorry it took so long to update, my computer died on me on the last day of school. The connection to the hard drive broke and I couldn't do anything. They had to completely wipe the computer to repair everything properly. I tried to write on my phone, but it wasn't working well. I promise I didn't abandon you guys, it literally just took this long to get everything fixed. I still have to put back ALL the autocorrection additions I added for this story so it won't autocorrect "Kwamii" to something random like kumquat. I should have it all mostly fixed now though. I didn't have a backup of the computer because it was fairly new and still under warranty. In short, I'm incredibly stupid.)

He was right. For some reason, he just couldn't say it while looking him straight in the eyes, so he glanced off.

---Adrien's POV---

"You want me to describe my missing friend? Why exactly?" I asked the kwamii, confused. 

"Humor me." Plagg put down his uneaten cheese, forgotten. 

"Uh- Alright?" I thought about Marinette. Her features, her personality, the way she carried herself, everything.

"She's brave. I've never seen anyone stand up to Chloe the way she does before I met her. And kind. She'll help anyone. You know, except Lila."

"Uh huh?" Plagg raised what would have been an eyebrow if he had any, motioning for me to continue. 

"She gets excited easily. And nervous, I think honestly she's just a little shy. Heh, she does this little box thing with her hands around her face when I sneak up on her. Yet, I've seen her stand up directly to akumas before. She uh, she handles crises well. Like Darknight? Real lifesaver." I chuckled, hearing a slight nervousness in my voice I didn't recognise.

Plagg started looking around my room a bit. "Keep goin Kid, just gotta find something quickly."

"Marinette has these eyes too. There's a certain spark to them. Like a light. I uh, never really thought about it, but Ladybug has that same spark. Like electricity. It works well with her bluebell blues too.  And she has these freaking adorable tiny freckles on her nose! You wouldn't notice them unless you looked, but they're there."

I started fidgeting with my ring. Twisting it ever so slightly around my finger.

"And I- I definitely noticed she never once was akumatized. I guess I took that for granted huh. She was just that positive. Looking on the bright side of everything; helping everyone else feel better on their worst days. The smallest of smiles could dazzle a room and make my whole day better. "

"Great. Now I believe I gave you two instructions?" Plagg finally found what he was looking for. A small hand mirror I had stuffed in a draw a while back. Flying back up to my face, he made eye contact.

"What? The friend part?"

"Eye contact. Just a friend. While everything you just said is fresh on your mind."

"Whatever Plagg. She..." I began to say it, but trailed off. Why couldn't I say it?

"Marinette's a... close friend."

"Real convincing kid. But I noticed you looked away."

He was right. For some reason, I just couldn't say it while looking him straight in the eyes, so I glanced off. Still it sounded unnatural. 

"So you can't say it, and from what you're saying you like her."

"Sh-shut up Plagg! You're just a kwamii. You don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh yeah?" Plagg hefted the mirror in front of my face. "Take a look at yourself."

Apart from an obvious look of awkwardness from what Plagg had just asked me, there was a deep red spread across my cheeks and face. I was blushing... I WAS BLUSHING?!!!

"You have a picture of the girl on your desk, you wear the present she gave you that you know of at all times, you spent ALL night studying it to make a complementing one for her birthday. Believe it or not, literally all your classmates have thought you two would be cute at some point, and it's gross. You blush when you talk about her, and now have this obsession with her being missing. Face it kid. Ya in love."

---Nino's POV---

"Sooo. Sorry Dude, I just gotta ask."

"What's up Nino?" Marinette asked, turning back to me from calling her kwamii, Tikki, back in the room. 

"So I get my miraculous when you give it to me, then I give it back right?" I asked, turning my attention to the Chinese style decorations the girl had up. Didn't quite seem her style, but I guess with her mom being from China it makes sense.

"Yeah?" She responded, laughing a little. "That's a bit of a weird question considering. Ya know. Everything that just happened."

"Ok yeah, but it's the same for Ayla though right? And I'm guessing Chloe?"

"Pretty much. Why?"

"Well, that means that you have all the miraculous. But Ladybug you didn't show up until Hawkmoth did, and you seemed..."

"Like a complete and utter disaster?" Marinette chuckled, still not paying complete attention as the adorable creature that was Tikki had just floated back into the room and landed on her head.

"Dudeette, I uh- I was just gonna say inexperienced."

"That works too." Tikki chimed in, settling in Marinette's left pigtail.

"POINT BEING, where did yours come from?"

Marinette froze a little, back straightening as she turned away from me. "My uh- my miraculous?"

"OH!- Sorry I didn't... I didn't think that would be a sore subject. YOU totally don't gotta answer or anything, it's just somethin I was wondering." I stammered, trying to sneak a glance at the girl's face. One thing was for certain though, I clearly was VERY bad at being a comforting friend.

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