Chapter 18: To The Office

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---Alya's POV---

Today was Friday. I was running out of time to get what I needed. Markov had actually convinced Max to let me borrow him, but I don't think he appreciated the role I gave him in my plan. Not that I would want to be around Lila 24/7 either.

Fights weren't uncommon this week. It shouldn't be that hard to get sent to the principals office. I just needed to push a few buttons. Preferably someone who was already with me. That left Max, Rose, and Adrien. 

Nobody would believe it if Rose or Adrien got sent to the principals office, but I had a feeling that Max still didn't trust me like the two of them did and I had to do something. Luckily, Adrien had been more snippy this last week than normal.

I pulled out my phone as discreetly as I could.

[ You: Adrien!!! i neeeeeeeeed u

Sunshine Child: ?

You: Fight with me

Sunshine Child: what? Y?

You:  cause i need to go to the office for something

Sunshine Child: and you want ME to go with you? Do you know how mad my father would be if he found out?!

You: PLEEEEEEEEEESE! Its for Marinette. I promise ill take all the blame if sum'n happens

Sunshine Child: Fine. What do you need me to do

You: Leave the details to me Adrien. i just need u 2 keep what i start goin ]

Just then, the bell rang. Perfect. I looked at Adrien, who gave a slight nod. It was now or never.

"Hey Adrien, where's Nino?" I started. 

"Umm, I'm not sure."

"You don't even know where your best friend is?" I raised an eyebrow, challenging him. 

"Not always."

Stupid oblivious sunshine child. I literally gave him the perfect opportunity for a jab. Like the golden angel opportunity. 

"Least I know he's not hurt or something." he said, kind of under his breath, but loud enough to hear.

Aaaaand there it was. Let's do this.

"What's that supposed to mean?"


"Adrien Agreste! What. Was. That. Supposed. To . Mean."

"NOTHING! You weren't supposed to hear that!"

"Oh. So I'm deaf now? Just because I WAS friends with someone does NOT mean that I'm friends with her now."

"You weren't just friends. You were best friends."

"So you were just friends then. Nothing romantical at all there?"

"YES! How many times do I need to say that?"

"Enough to convince me? Stupid, oblivious, sunshine, star cann't even..."

"THATS ENOUGH!" Mrs. Bustier interjected, " Alya, Adrien, go to the principals office NOW."

I gave a quick half smile at Adrien, before dramatically storming back to my seat to grab my stuff. Go time.

---Adrien's POV---

Yeah I had no idea what we were doing. All I knew from the conversation, was that Alya wanted to go to Principal Damocles' office for some reason and needed to be sent there by a teacher. I played along for the most part, but there were some jabs in there that kind of hurt.

It took me a few seconds to realize where she was going with the Nino thing. He had been absent today and I genuinely thought that she was wondering where he was. I think I saved it though.

Fighting with Alya like that felt forced, but deserved. We both have done things that we regretted the day that Marinette went missing, but had been kind to each other out of obligation I guess. It was a lot easier to forget about how you wronged someone when nobody was pointing it out.

We reached the office together and she nodded at me. 

"Just follow my lead." Alya said.

"I just hope he doesn't call Father."

"If things go to plan, he won't." Alya assured me. For some reason it didn't feel very comforting.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in."

I opened the door slowly. He seemed a little surprised when he saw us. 

"Adrien? Come in. What's Going on?"

Me and Alya walked in together. WE sat in the chair in front of the desk.

"I'm so sorry sir. I had to come talk to you and I didn't have any other ideas. I needed to get in here without having too many people thing it was weird."

"Go on." He said. It was a little gentler than he normally was, but I assume that was because I was in there with Alya. It was rare for me to be in his office. I was only really in there when things were wrong with Father. Specifically, him not showing up to events.

"Me and Adrien were fighting in class," Principal Damocles leaned back in his chair," BUT it was only so I could get sent in here."

"So you got in trouble on purpose?"

"Yeah." I joined in. I didn't know WHY she needed in here so badly, but I did know it was for Marinette. 

"It's about Marinette sir."

Principal Damocles sighed, and pinched his nose.

"I'm afraid I have no new news children. You didn't need to get in trouble to..."

"No sir. I needed to check something."

I looked over at Alya. Her face was determined.  I had rarely seen that face on my friend, but it never really ended well for people who stood in her way.

"I need check the security footage. From the day Marinette was almost expelled?"

I turned back at the principal. He seemed intrigued, but a little frustrated. 

"Alya, I can't just let a student..."

"I think someone broke into Marinette's locker."

"What?!" Me and the Principal exclaimed at the same time. 

"Lila. I know she said that she had a "Lying disease" But that's not a good reason why the test answers were in Marinette's bag. OR why Lila's necklace was in Marinette's locker. I think someone planted them there."

"That's a very serious claim Miss Cesaire. Do you have proof?"


"Mr. Agreste, you're free to go. I need to have a word with Alya here."

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