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Author's Pov..

Loan Shark Lee. The most wanted loan shark in Seoul.

He waits for people to ask for money, and then once they pay him back, he keeps threatening them to give more money.

But if they don't.. He kills them.

Yeosang: H-hyung, what are we going to do?

Hongjoong: Stay here.

Seonghwa: It's danger-

Hongjoong: Stay... Here.

Hongjoon walked to Loan Shark Lee, fire in his eyes.

He hit Loan Shark Lee as hard as he could with the metal bat, making Y/n flinch.

The loan shark fell to the floor, blood seeping from his head, but Hongjoong could care less.

Y/n's Pov...

I looked up to see Hongjoong, fire and anger in his eyes glaring at me.

Hongjoong: What the fuck were you doing?! What were you thinking?!

I began to cry.

Hongjoong: You could've ruined your life, you could've died!

Me: Hong-

Hongjoong: What the fuck has gotten into you?! You didn't answer our calls! What if we didn't find you, huh?! What would've happened?! You're being stupid, Y/n!

Me: I'm-

Hongjoong: FUCK!

I flinched even more and started to cry. The brothers ran to us and Seonghwa yelled at Hongjoong.

Seonghwa: Hongjoong, calm down!

Hongjoong: You want me to calm down!?

Seonghwa: Yes, I want you to calm down! She might have done something stupid, but you're scaring her even more!

Hongjoong looked at me. San was holding me close to his chest.

Hongjoong: Baby..

Hongjoong took me into his arms, and cupped my face.

Hongjoong: I'm still upset with you, but I know you're scared, and we're here for you. Honey, when are you going to realize that you don't have to do everything on your own?

Hongjoong held me tight, and kissed my head, as I felt his tears fall onto my neck.

Hongjoong: Everything is going to be okay, sunshine. I promise.

Me: I want you guys to help me. I don't want to be a streetlight anymore.

Hongjoong: We're going to help you, baby, you don't have to worry about a thing.

The brothers hugged us, as we all cried.

Time skip- 2 months later..

I moved into my brothers' house, and sold our old house to Kevin and Jacob's friend Eric.

I now hang out with Chenle, and his friends since they are our new neighbors.

I continued working at the bar as a DJ but only until 9:00 pm.

I trust my brothers now, and I love them with my whole being.

We're as close as ever, and we have paid off all my debt.

We were happy.

And finally, I was still like a streetlight, but know I knew that I didn't have to do anything alone.

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