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Aesiras POV

"I know you've seen the pictures from my apartment. The Japanese family are the Sato's. They willingly gave me refuge from the Japanese Military that was hunting for me. The war had moved West, so I could roam freely in their small village. I made good friends there that I will always remember. One day, bombers decided to drop someplace unexpected- which was on the village. I was out getting water from the stream when it happened and I ran as fast as I could back to the village to protect my friends. I couldn't turn into my other form or else they would find me, but even with it- I was too late. I walked into the demolished house that was partly on fire, and found..." I took a deep breath and continued. "They were all dead and I couldn't do anything about it. I've lost so many other friends to war and bad people, so now, I'm really trying to save as many friends and people as possible. It helps me cope with the deaths of so many."

"Are we friends?"

"That depends. Where's that collar and I'll think about it." Jason laughed and I smiled. 

"You'll be glad to know that it was destroyed... under the Generals order."

"Turner did that?" I was kind of surprised that he did. "Huh." It was silence again before Jason said anything.

"Thank you, Aesira, for everything." I nodded my head.

"Thank you for everything, Jason. You did more than you know." Jason smiled and turned around then back with a bottle of water. He gave it to me and I thanked him.

"This has been on my mind for so long," I said opening the bottle. I took off the mask and then took a drink. The refreshing cool liquid ran down my dry throat and soothed it. I felt so much better already. As I was drinking, my arms revealed the new and old scars on them. I could feel Jason looking at them and closed the bottle. "What are you looking at?"

"Oh-nothing," Jason replied quickly. "Um, how are your injuries almost healed already?"

"Part of my abilities I guess," I said flatly. "How long until I get out of here?"

"W-why do you want to leave?" I turned my head to him and raised my eyebrow.

"Well, you are keeping me here for unknown reasons and I want to get back at Luke."

"That's tricky. And we're keeping you safe."

"You really think I'm going to believe that lie?"

"Some people are afraid, Aesira. The world is changing very quickly and as much as I want to let you go-"

"Hold up. Why do you trust me?" It was shocked silence.

"Because you're a nice person and want to help others," Jason said after a little while. 

"Hmm. I'll have to leave soon."

"I know. And there's no stopping you," Jason said with a smirk. 

After my wounds heal, I'll break out to kill Luke and his followers. I won't let them hurt anyone else.

"I'll leave you to rest. You know you need it." I nodded my head and watched him shut the door behind him.

The next few nights were not so good. I kept having nightmares about my past and my torture. I would have one and wake up, but after that, I would sleep fine. It happened every night since I first woke up back here at the building. It was a week later and I was almost fully healed. The employees provided me with a T-shirt and sweats to wear.

I was sitting on my bed with legs hanging off and tracing my scars when alarms started blaring... again. I stood and broke the door handle off so I could open it. I peeked out side and didn't see anything. Suddenly, I saw Jason running down the hallway like his life depended on it.

"What are you doing," I yelled. I pulled him in my room just in time to see guards with taser guns running past. "What's going on!"

"They thought I gave the information on all our top secret subjects to Luke, but I didn't! I swear. I was in the science lab," Jason said, out of breath.

"Was anyone with you?"

"Yeah, the- they left for lunch. No I was alone, but I swear I didn't do it."

"Jason, calm down," I told him. "If they catch you, what would happen?"

"Well, I'm part of the Government and that's a pretty big crime... I-I don't know, execution maybe? Oh no."

"Alright, I'll keep you safe, but I need to know where the holding room is and my stuff."

"Aesira no, you can't leave and have that-"

"Jason, I need to get out and stop Luke AND keep you safe from your own co-workers! Where is my stuff? They don't know what those objects are and how important they are to me." Jason looked like a war was going in his head. Finally, he said that they were in a box inside a small warehouse on the East side of the building. I took Jason's arm and after peeking outside, pulled him down the hall. We ran towards the place he said and fast. Alarms were blaring and I could see the security cameras moving with us- indicating the staff was watching. We made it to the door and barricaded it. Turning around, Jason led me to the place where my belongings were. We found it and I grabbed it. Opening it to make sure it was mine (which it was) I placed it on a nearby counter and grabbed a coat from a coat hook in the corner. I shoved in Jason's arms and told him to put on.


"Just do it. And hurry!" Jason mumbled words under his breath and put the big coat on. The door started to move and yells were heard from the other side. "This way!" We ran to a back door and I sensed more guards waiting to surprise us outside. I turned to Jason.

"Go get that box and climb up to that railing and whatever you do, do not lose or open that box, got it?"

Jason nodded and climbed the stairs as fast as he could to the railing I said. The door busted open and about 10 soldiers came in with guns drawn. I started to take random boxes and start throwing them at the group as a distraction. 

I felt power rush through my body as I turned into a massive dragon. Some soldiers tripped while trying to back up while others open fired. The bullets just bounced off my scales and I roared at them. I turned and knocked boxes at them with my tail while grabbing a scared-silly Jason from the railing. He held the box as if it was sewed to his hands and his eyes were as big as plates under those glasses. I broke through the wall and into the outside. The clouds were dark and raging with lighting as thunder beat its drums loudly. The rain was escaping the sky so much that I could tell Jason was soaked already. I spread my wings and flew into the sky without a second thought. I went higher and higher into the clouds and rain. Lightning struck around us and thunder was pounding on my ears. Finally, I broke the storm and was above the whole thing. It was quite and relaxing here.

"Aesira!" Jason looked terrified.

I brought him up and set him just in front of my wings and behind my neck. Thank goodness he still had that box. I glided across the top of the clouds almost silently.

"Your a little wet, Jason. Glad I got that coat for ya?" My dragon voice was the same, but deeper.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why is this box so important?"

"Because it's my belongings. I believe you've seen everything in there."

"Yes, but what would you have done if I dropped it?"

"Drop you." I was silent and I smirked. "I'm joking."

"Well your pretty bad at jokes," Jason said, wiping the water off his glasses. "Where are you going?"


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