Im alive but Im dead

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"I'm sorry", she says as if saying sorry is gonna stop her dad from hitting her. Everytime she always says sorry and sorry never works.


She feels her cheek sting and she begins to feel as if she went numb on the right side of her face. 12 years and you would think she was finally getting used to it. She looks over and sees her younger brother in the doorway looking with tears in his eyes. He's scared. She motions for him to leave without her dad seeing and reluctantly he does. She doesn't want her little brother going through what she's going through. He's just a kid she thought, and she wouldn't wish what was happening on any kid. She snaps out of her thoughts when she starts to feel her hair being pulled.

"Ow" she begins to scream begging that the screaming would finally be able to get through to him and he would feel the smallest bit of remorse for what he's doing to her but he didn't. Instead he took out the knife, the same knife he used to make the scars on her back. He turns the stove on heating the knife up like he always does. She kicks and screams trying to free herself from the excruciating pain of the knife. He tightens his grip on her beginning to rip her shirt off. Fucking pervert she thought. She begs and pleads with him trying to get him to stop but she does not succeed. He begins to take the knife off of the stove. "NO" she whines. "Shutup" he says as he yanks her hair. "This ought to teach you not to ever disrespect me again".

Suddenly she feels the intense burning as he carves the knife into her back. This type of pain she will never be able to get used to. She tries to concentrate on the sound of her heartbeat to get through the pain and not give him the reaction he wants from her. She takes the pain, endearing it hoping he will let her go if he sees she's not reacting. And he did. When she breaks free she runs upstairs to her room and locks the door. She sat in the darkness thinking. Why does her dad treat her like that? Why was she born? If her dad didn't want a girl, why have her? Why couldn't she have been put up for adoption? WHERE WAS HER MOM!!!! She knew she would never know the answer to these questions, but she kept asking herself. WHY!?! The only thing she knew about her mother was that she had died in labor. She also knew that she was adopted. She had been adopted by a family when she was 6 months old, but they died in a car accident when she was 3. She had also been fostered by a sweet family up until her "dad" adopted her when she was 5. Why couldn't she have ended up with one of those families she thought. Why this one! Her dad would always blame the excessive abuse on the fact he never wanted a girl, but his wife did. She died months after they finalized the adoption. If his wife never died would she be treated the way she is now.

"Beep, Beep, Beep"

She hears the siren of the smoke detector. She begins to rush down the stairs but is stopped by the flames that were making their way towards her direction. She notices her dad and brother rushing out of the front door, leaving her behind. She turns and looks back and realizes that the backdoor is clear. The fire hadn't reached it yet. She rushes back upstairs and grabs her backpack she always packed just in case she ran away. It included money, clothes, and extra phone chargers for her phone. She hurries up and runs back downstairs but the fire had made its way up the first couple steps. She makes a decision and decides to jump the railing.Pain. It shot up her leg making running difficult. Her foot had landed the wrong way when she jumped. Ignoring the pain she begins to make her way towards the door. As soon as she made it into the grass of the backyard. The house ignited into flames.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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