Chapter 22

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Jasmine POV

I have kept my distance away from Mario. It has probably been a week since I have had a conversation with Mario. I see him of course because of Loriana but I refuse to speak to him.

Me and Lori are suppose to move in to our new house today and I'm just not in the mood. All of our stuff is packed by force. Mario come here with boxes and just did everything. I don't want to move so I'm putting zero effort in to it.

I was about to get something to eat when the doorbell rang. I groaned and went to open the door. There was like 3 guys and a moving truck behind then.

"We were hired by Mario Ramirez to help you move." the shortest one said. I rolled my eyes and opened the door for them.

"Everything that is in boxes and or labeled Jasmine is going." I mumbled and walked away.

I went back in to the kitchen and started to make myself a bowl of cereal.

"I can't believe my best friend is leaving me." Monique said, walking in to the kitchen.

"I'm still in Chicago. You can come and visit me anytime you want." I said.

"You are going to be living it up with THE Mario Rodriguez. I can't believe that Lori's father is him. Do you know how rich he is?" She is so over dramatic.

"I don't care. I don't want his money. As long as he continues to be a good father to Lori then I'm good. Plus, I have Randy." I said.

"Randy? Y'all were cute back in Atlanta but he is there and you're here. How is that even going to work? Plus, he could be fucking a new bitch everyday and you won't even know." she said, making a good point.

"If that's the case then he can continue to do him. I'm chilling over here. I don't want a man that comes with drama."


"Where is my daughter. You better not have left her around that assistant of yours." I told Mario as he walked through the front door of the new house.

"Nah, she is with Summer. I came to help you unpack." He said. I looked him up and down then shrugged.

"I'm upstairs doing Loriana's room if you want to help." I said. I walked up the stairs with him following me.

I continued doing her clothes as he started on her shoes.

"Ma, we need to talk." he said out of nowhere.

"I have nothing to say." I mumbled.

"Well I do. What is ignoring me going to get you? I'm just going to bother you more." I quickly rolled my eyes. "Why are you mad?"

"You know damn well why I'm mad. Your disrespectful ass assistant disrespected me to the fullest. I can't believe you brought my daughter around that." I said.

"I understand she was acting out that day. I don't know why, she usually is chill and layers back."

"Well it's obvious because you gave her some dick and she feels special." I said.

"Well I knew my dick game was good but not that good. Nice to know." he chuckled and I smacked his arm. "Nah but for real, I told her to chill out and she has to respect you." he said.

"And she better listen. I have no problem beating someone down." I warned.

"You really are your fathers daughter girl." He said. I smirked and stood up. "I hope she knows that nobody will come before you and my daughter." he said, pulling me in to him.

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