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Today was the day to become part of the Hashira..Becoming the Shattered Hashira and be with my big sister Mitsuri.

I headed my way as soon as possible to go early at the Ubuyashiki estate before I get late..Jumping side-ways trees by trees and running faster through the paths as I finally reached the estate and saw the small little twins standing in front of the estate as they bow to me as I do the same and they spoke.

"Greetings Kanroji (Y/n)..The master is waiting for you with the other Hashiras."They said as they went inside and I followed.

I found myself watching the area of the estate..The estate was neat and clean especially the air is refreshing and the surroundings are breath-taking for me..

"The guest has arrived."The twins spoke as I looked in front to saw all of the Hashiras including my big sister looking at me with a smile face and also Oyakata-sama.

"Welcome my child."Oyakata-sama spoke with a smile.

"Oyakata-sama..Who's this women."The white haired male asked.

"Sanemi..This is the new pillar named Kanroji (Y/n),Mitsuri's little sister and she's the Shattered Hashira from now on she's part of you."Oyakata-sama said.

"My pleasure is all mine,Oyakata-sama."I spoke as I bow down.

"Ara,Ara Mitsuri didn't tell me that her little sister is going to be a Hashira."Shinubo-san said.

"I-It's because! I-It's gonna be a s-surprise!"My big sister exclaimed.

'Shinubo-san,Obanai-san and Himejima-san are the only Hashiras I know except my Big sister..'

'So all of them are 9 hashiras..Wait..I kinda familiarize the flame haori..'

"It's you!"

I looked closely the at the male who had the flame haori as my eyes went widened and and an 'irk' marked appear on my forehead.

"You chicken!"I shouted as I grab him from the collar in an instant.

"(Y/n)!"I heard my big sister said.

"Ara,Ara don't outburst your abilities on Rengoku-san."Shinubo-san said.

"Is there something wrong with Rengoku,(Y/n)?"Himejima-san asked.

"Probably Rengoku did something to Mitsuri's sister."Obanai-san said.

"Would you mind telling us the story,My child (Y/n)."Oyakata-sama spoke as I put down the flame haori male named 'Rengoku'.

"Apologise for my behaviour,Oyataka-sama."I said as I bow down.

"It's fine my child..Now would you mind telling us why did you do that to Kyojuro."Oyakata-sama said as I tilt my head up to see his face with a genuine smile.

"This was happened yesterday..I was training and he interrupted me and he got cut my broken (f/c) hearts haori that I was going to wear today instead of the white pebble haori one."I said.

"It was an accident! I promise (Y/n)!"I heard him said as he was about to hold my shoulder when I stand up.

"That's everything had happened yesterday,Oyakata-sama."I said as he nods.

"Perhaps Kyojuro did bring something,am I right Kyojuro?"Oyakata-sama asked as I looked behind and he nods.

"Here it is..In this box inside of it is your haori I sew it this early in the morning..I'm very sorry I accidentally cut it into two pieces."He said as he give me the box.

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