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"(Y/n)!!"I turn my head and saw Uzui-san the sound pillar.

"Uzui-san."I spoke as he inspect me and I tilt my head up to see his face and he just nods.

"Umm..Err..Why are you inspecting me Uzui-san?"I asked.

"Well..I've been feeling different vibe from Rengoku..So I thought I should inspect you after him..By the way,he's inside the Ubuyashiki estate waiting for you..I gotta get going for the next mission."With that he leaves the estate.

"Inspecting for what?.."I shake my head as I went inside the estate.

"(Y/n) is already here."The twins announced as they open the door for me and I went inside and then they closed it.

"Good morning (Y/n),my child please take a sit."Oyakata-sama said as I bow down before sitting next to Rengoku.

"I heard from Rengoku that you did a job well done defeating the demon roaming around at Kinoto."He said as I nod.

"It's your wish so we must do it for you and for the others Oyakata-sama."I said.

"Kyojuro over here decided that you two should have a week roaming trip around on the Hanada."He said.

"H-Hanada?..You mean Handa the place full of hot springs and also known their food as the most delicious foods and their dishes too?"I asked trying to calm myself down as he nods.

"I thought you should have some relaxation together with a roaming trip together with me to ease up your stress (Y/n)."Rengoku said as I looked at him.

"Y-You asked for this?"I asked as he nods.

"Rengoku told me that you're having kind of bad nightmares for your sister,Mitsuri..Which I wanted you too also to ease up and also with some roaming around the areas in Hanada."Oyakata-sama said as I lower my head down.

"I'm very grateful and honored for this Oyakata-sama..If this is what you wished for I'll making this happen,then."I said as I looked up to him as he nods with a smile.

"We should take our leave then so we could do our mission and some ease up stress for you."Rengoku said.

After some discussion together with Oyakata-sama about the week roaming trip to Handa with Rengoku we both went out for a lunch as we enjoy our foods and went for a walk.

'I guess he isn't a bad guy after all..He does looked like he really cared for me..But I can't make him neither me fall in love with each other..I don't want to make him regret or getting hurt by me..'

"Is there something bothering you?"Rengoku suddenly asked as I shake my head.

"I'm just thinking about our week roaming trip..Since do you want us to leave then?"I asked as he smiled and grab my hand as he dragged me.

"Right now!!"He announces as we suddenly stopped into a fabric store.

"Why are we here?"I asked as he started to pick some both female and male clothes.

"Rengoku I'm calling out for you."I said as he turned around and shake his head before walking up to me.

"I'm picking some clothes for the both of us for a week so we won't be packing all of our stuffs in our own house because we're leaving now..Especially I take out some food before we can went into Hanada."He said as I facepalmed.

'As expected from a guy like him..He's really into this week roaming trip,huh..I wonder how will this work out..'


'You gotta be kidding me into this room..'

"Is this inn doesn't have any rooms left? Or even a room that has different beds?! Why do we even share a bed!"I complain as he take out all of our clothes and started to fold them.

"It's just for a week adding the fact that this bed is a king size so we can wiggle all around here (Y/n)..Don't worry I won't do such things to you I already promised to Mitsuri and Oyakata-sama I'll be looking out and take good care of you."He said.

"Shut up..I'm heading out."I said as he stopped me by blocking the door.

"Get out of my way."I said as he shake his head.

"Like what I've said I'll be looking out and taking good care of you..I should be always near you and if you wanted to go out or somewhere I should be there..I can take care of the clothes later where should we go?"He said as I sighted.

"Look Rengoku I might be both grateful and thankful for this idea of yours but that doesn't mean you should do your duties because I can take care of myself and you should enjoy things by yourself.."I said.

"What do you want me to do then?"He asked as I sighted.

"You've gonna be kidding me..I mean you can sleep,go somewhere else or even enjoy the rest of the day until night with some ladies around you..Because I'm gonna enjoy myself and grab for a drink to ease up my stress."I said and was about to open the door when he slammed it close.

"I'll go enjoy the rest of the days until the night with some ladies around me and you're going to hang out with some men is that why are you trying to say."He said looking down.

"It seems like that..So I'll see you later."I said and opened the door as he slammed close the door again.

"The h*ll.."I scowl as he finally looked up to me without a smiling face.

'Why am I sensing a different aura from him? Especially where is his brightening aura?'

"You can't leave until tomorrow if I don't say that you finally can..I'll be getting our foods tonight with myself and you'll stay here,okay (Y/n)."He said as I gulped.

'Why am I getting scared because of what he just said..?!..No one can ordered me around if it's not either Big sister or Oyakata-sama..'

I was about to open the door again when he slammed me against the wall and take both of
my hands and put it each side of my head as he was still looking down and I gulp again..

'This guy..'

"Didn't you hear me."He said.

"What's gotten into you,you've been acting weird lately."I said.

"It's because you're making me wanted to do this..I don't wanna be dominant but I can't let you spend the rest of the day 'til night getting drunk and some men near you..I also can't let myself cheat on you because of another women."He said as I stopped myself from chuckling.

"Please don't chuckle or even laugh because of it (Y/n) I do really mean what I say..I wanted you too trust me on this week roaming trip just the two of us enjoying it and I wanna make you consider me as your friend..I-I wanna be by right your side as always."He said as he let go off of my hands and pulled me into a hug as I decided to pat his shoulder slowly.

"Umm..I don't know what you were trying to say,but..Fine I'll trust you on this week roaming trip and prove it to me that you're worth considering as my friend and to gain my trust."I said as he pulled away the hug and nods with a smile.

'There he go again..Getting pumped up with his brightening aura and smile..I'm comfortable on this than what aura has gotten into him..'

"By the way,(Y/n)."He said as I hummed in response.

"I reserve a table for the both of us tonight a dinner..I did reserved it earlier when we finally got here.."He said.

"And?"I asked.

"I want you to wear (f/c) kimono and the hairpin that I bought for you earlier before we went here..Remember near the fabric store..I'll be giving them later."He said and leaves the room.

"What is he trying to pull me in this time.."

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