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This is the 10th time when he started to eat dinner here with the three of us..

And..This time Rengoku brought a bunch of Takoyaki..

'This is making me suffer..I'm starting to hate you Rengoku..You really wanted to hit me with one of my favorite food,huh..'

I watched as he started to dig in some Takoyaki in his mouth while keep saying the word 'Tasty' at the same time..He then glance at me and smile before digging more Takoyaki as I sighted and stood up.

"Hmm? Where are you going (Y/n)?"Big sister asked.

"I'm not hungry..Even this is Takoyaki I'm just not in the mood to eat..I'll be at the rooftop if you're going to find me."I said as I went inside my room before heading to the rooftop.


The three of us continue to eat the Takoyaki while my head can't stop bothering me to went for (Y/n) as I sighted and stood up and brought a plate of Takoyaki.

"Are you going to make (Y/n) eat?"Kanroji asked as I nod.

"You two can have fun continue eating the remaining Takoyaki I should bring this for (Y/n) even she's not in the mood she needs something for her stomach to digest..It's bad to sleep later while not eating anything."I said as she nods and I headed my way to the rooftop to find (Y/n).

'I love this kind of music to my ear..Is it coming from (Y/n)?'

I slowly walked up close behind (Y/n) as I found out that she was playing the flute genuinely with closed eyes.

I slowly went up in front of her luckily she didn't notice my presence yet and I was glad about it.

I look closely to her face while she was playing the flute..The flute's symphony was a pure melody to my ear and I found myself getting excited as I felt both of my cheeks were burning up..I look at (Y/n)'s face as I slowly taking off her head cape but she suddenly slapped it away and stop playing the flute as she glared at me.

"Don't.You.Dare."She said while glaring.

"I was trying to take it off because I wanna see your face.."I said as I sat beside her and give her the plate of Takoyaki as she starts to eat it.

"I wanna ask (Y/n).."I said as he hummed in response.

"You're beautiful,but why do you wanna hide your face from the other people?"I asked as I notice that she stops eating the Takoyaki.

"Did I say something wrong?"I asked.

"Yeah..I don't wanna answer your question..And also you make my mood go away..See you tomorrow."With that she left me alone with the plate of Takoyaki as I sighted.

"What am I gonna do to you (Y/n)..I wanna make you trust me and be with you..I wanna ask you why do you hide your face.."I said as I eat the remaining Takoyaki of (Y/n).

After I ate the Takoyaki I went inside the kitchen to saw Mitsuri and Iguro was cuddling each other in the couch so I didn't wake them up..I went for a water as I heard some noises coming from (Y/n)'s room as I quickly but silently went inside to her room.

"B-Big sister..D-Don't go.."(Y/n) spoke.

'She's having nightmares I see..'

"Even if  it makes you mad if you find out at least I would comfort you when you needed it."I said as I closed the door behind me closely and went closer to her in the bed.

I put my blade in the corner of her bed and take off my haori and sleeper before I lay in the bed next to her..As I lay next to her,I make her figure turn to me as I notice that she was really having a nightmare and..

'U-Uh...Her chest is showing..'

I shook my head as I put the blanket on her so I wouldn't get embarrassed that her chest was showing as I wrapped my arms around her and decided to whisper some word to her ears.

"Everything's gonna be fine (Y/n) I'm here you don't have to worry anything..You're not gonna be alone,okay? I'll protect you."I said as I stroke her hair as she hummed and started to calm down.

'She's having a good breathing that's nice..She's not having nightmares anymore..'

I was about to crawl out from the bed when (Y/n) suddenly pulled me back to bed and snuggle up into my chest as I feel my face burning up especially my cheeks were burning and my heart started to beat faster when I felt her breath hitting the skin of my neck..

"(Y-Y/n).."I spoke but she just tighten her arms around me.

'I think it's not bad having a sleep with you especially I didn't done anything bad and you just snuggle up to me..That's explaining for tomorrow's scenery..'

I smiled as I kissed her forehead and started to fall asleep..




I throw all of the pillow and anything that my hands could touch to Rengoku as he was defending himself as Big sister and Obanai-san went inside the room with a shocked face as Big sister started to blush and getting excited.

"What's this Rengoku."I heard Obanai-san said.

"Obanai-san! Rengoku is a pervert! He sleep with me last night!"I shouted as I throw another pillow to him as he defend himself.

"P-Please let me explain (Y/n)!"Rengoku begged as I throw another and another pillow as he still defend himself.

"(Y/n) it's good if we let Rengoku-san explain himself about last night."Big sister spoke as I sighted and crossed my arms as Rengoku smiled and scratch the back of his hair.

'This pervert guy got some guts,huh..'

"Well you see (Y/n)..Last night I saw Mitsuri and Obanai we're cuddling together and I didn't bother to wake them up since I was gonna get for a water to drink when I heard some noises coming from your room."He said as I looked at him.

"I went inside and just to see you were having a nightmare I decided to comfort you and when you finally calmed down I was gonna went out but then you pulled me into the bed and snuggle up into my chest..So I just decided to sleep with you and then explain everything tomorrow which is now if you're going to act like this just what I've thought."He added as an 'irk' marked appeared on my forehead.

"Don't give me a crap like that! Why would I do that to you! I will not do such things like that!"I shouted.

'Why would I let this Rengoku guy sleep with me especially in my bed! Without my permission! Even if I did that it's still impossible to believe that I really did that!'

"Look (Y/n)..I know you might not believe me on it but that's all of the truth that happened last night why now that you saw me sleeping with you."He said.

"Oh is that so? It could be truth (Y/n) since sometimes people having nightmares can come up with that action and forgot in the next day that they did that."Obanai-san said as Rengoku nods.

"Iguro's right that's what I was trying to explain."He said.

"It's very sweet to see my little sister is having a harem now!"Big sister exclaimed as she gets excited.

"Fine..I'll just accept the fact that I did that but! I didn't do that because I wanted too! My body was out of control of me last night..I'm changing now so please all of you leave my room."I said as they all went out to my room as I let out a big sight.

"What the h*ll did I even really do last night?!!"

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