Hinata Part 2 and Suga

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-Last chapter-

Everyone heard this and paused. All of his smiles, were fake.. He had so many issues yet no one asked if he was okay, not even then. They all took this chance to look at Hinata. Hinata was sitting on the ground with his knees to his chest trying to not listen or see what was happening around him, he was clearly panicking.

-3rd pov-

Suga and Takeda quickly walked towards Hinata, looking at the others as to ask for them to not swarm him. Ukai paused the video when he saw how panicked Hinata was.

"I'll take Hinata out, you guys finish watching, I'll be filled in later." Takeda Sensei said before helping Hinata get up and walk out, not before grabbing his water though.

"...Alright everyone let's finish the video then we can see how hes doing." Ukai said before he made sure everyone was looking at the screen. They looked at the screen quickly so they could distract themselves. The video soon unpaused.

"Hinata started taking small doses of antidepressants, Prozac more specifically. Prozac is a antidepressant that also helps with anger issues. If you know him now then I'm sure you know that he doesn't seriously get angry anymore, you may even think hes childish."

The group silently agreed when they heard this, knowing how even if his smiles were fake, he did always act childish.

"I'll let you all know, that's not fake. Hinata is a age regresser, he usually age regresses to the age of 3 or 4. When he is like this, he likes being pampered, stuffies, his favorite movie is Ponyo(Ponyos elite), naps and small toys. I'll be honest here I'm only saying this cause I've been caring for when most the times hes regressed, and it's quite hard seeing as he wants his own caregiver."

Everyone went a little quiet at this besides a few people.

'Whats and age regressor?'

'Hinatas an age regressor?!'

Those were some thoughts roaming around.

"As you can see, Hinata has many..problems and certain cases that put him in a different situation. I hope you all still treat him the same. Tsukishima was it? I know you might wanna change how you speak to him now but please dont, Hinata doesn't like change and itd make him feel outcasted. I'd just recommend to everyone to be more..wary. Well that's all, theres a few more things hes still yet to tell me but, hopefully he'll trust you enough! Goodbye!"

The video ends soon after that, thoughts still wandering.

'Hes ok with how Tsukishima treats him?'

'I need to hug him.'

'..He didn't even trust us enough to tell us this... How will we ever gain enough trust to know everything..'

Interrupting everyones thoughts came in Hinata and Takade.

Takade gave a shake of his head, trying to say not to swarm him.

Suga rushed up and lightly grabbed Hinatas hand.

"Baby are you ready to watch the other things? How about we watch mine next?" Suga asked kneeling down a little to look at Hinata clearly.

Hinata mumbled a response, seemingly agreeing with what Suga said because they went to sit with eachother.

"Can we do mine next?" Suga asked, still holding Hinatas hand almost like how a mom would hold their kids.

"Sure.." Without much question, Sugas video popped up.

"Hello! I'm Mrs.Marris! I was Sugas 5th grade teacher and neighbor for some time. Suga had good grades almost all the time, and he was very respectful. Sadly he couldn't focus well in school environments so he got in trouble for bothering other kids quite a bit."

'Suga has always had good grade, luckyy.'

'I never thought Suga would distract others.'

"Since he always distracted the other kids he was often avoided and teased, I dont think it was to bad though. After a while of this happening his father came in to inform us that he got diagnosed with anxiety, basically saying that his good grades were because he always over thought getting in trouble and everything. I also know that his mother wasn't the greatest. Depending on how Suga is now that could play a key factor. Anyways that's all, thanks for listening!"


There was brief silence.

"Woah Suga-San your amazing your able to take care of us even though that! Your amazing!" Noya and Tanaka said loudly, helping the mood and trying to make Suga feel appreciated.

"Thank you two, I appreciate it! Everyone here is amazing too!" Suga said with a caring smile.

Through all this thoughts still wandered.

'Suga has anxiety?'

'...Suga has mommy issues?' (same Suga, same)


ty for waiting so long for the update, hope this is oki!

788 words lol

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