Hinata Part 1

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I'm writing this while on a call with my gf

Also there is a french version to this story, look in description to find who's translating it!

-Last chapter-

"Ok everyone, let's see who's next." Takade sensei said making everyone look back at him. Ukai drew a name. It was....

"3rd pov"

"Hinata, it's your turn." Coach Ukai said looking at the paper. Hinata stopped for a second then nodded slowly. Everyone was surprised that Hinata was so quiet and.. sad? Though this surprised everyone they just thought something must have happened in his past and soon, the video starts playing.

"Hello, I am Hinatas 1st, 3rd and 4th grade teacher, Mrs.Unigami. Hinata was a.. some what troubled child." When everyone heard this they looked surprised because though Hinata is slightly annoying, he's never 'trobled'. "When I say troubled child I don't mean this was oh when I taught him. You see I stopped teaching after Hinatas 4th grade class and became a therapist. More specifically, Hinatas therapist."

Everyone who heard that looked surprised (Even coach Ukai and Takeda cuz they didn't go through all of it). They couldn't believe it, the most childish person they know goes to therapy? They were snapped out of their thoughts by the video.

"From what I know, Hinata grew up with a missing father, overworked mother, and anger issues. I remember Hinata telling me that one night a scary man came into his house and hung out with his mom. The next he knew was that his mother was pregnant. Hinatas mother was the only source of income, and with her away because of pregnancy, he started working. By that time Hinata was just in 3rd grade. I never found out what jobs Hinata did but it payed well, and left him tired and to need help to walk."

Everyone was listening intensely, all wondering how he put up with that, some wondering how he was able to keep the job with anger issues, others wondering what type of job left a 3rd grader unable to walk.

"When Hinata got to 4th grade, he was still doing that job to help his mother and his newborn sister. Though Hinata worked, his mother had to too so he had to take care of his sister all alone. In a pretty recent therapy session I found out that when Hinata was making dinner at home and his sister was playing in a park nearby, she was beaten to death." The teacher said then sighed.

Everyone felt tears dripping from their eyes,  Yes everyone. They had just found out that their teammate, who seemed the happiest out of all of them, their little sister, which they practically raised was beaten to death. Not able to say anything they just let the tears flow and continued watching the video.

"..Hinata was heartbroken at this. It lead to him developing depression and attachment issues early on, but he still went to school with a smile. Though the smile was fake, and had always been fake after that, no one asked if he was ok, no one."

Everyone heard this and paused. All of his smiles, were fake.. He had so many issues yet no one asked if he was okay, not even then. They all took this chance to look at Hinata. Hinata was sitting on the ground with his knees to his chest trying to not listen or see what was happening around him, he was clearly panicking.


you all wanted Natsu dead so deal with how I picked for her to die.

600 words!

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