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-Last chapter-
I hope Daichi and his brother are doing good! I'll visit your volleyball games!"

Everyone turned to look at Dachi but he just smiled and nodded. It was clear he didnt want to talk much so they mover on. Ukai drew a name. The next person to be exposed was...Tanaka! Tanaka looked surprised but calmed down when he realized it was ok because he trusts the people around him. The video proceeds to play, showing a male teacher.

"Hello, I'm Mr.Kohichi Tanakas 3rd grade teacher. Though I am his third grade teacher I thought him from first grade and up. That happened because when Tanaka was younger his house burned down, only him and his sister survived." When everyone heard this their faces saddened quickly but decided to keep on watching.

"He got adopted quickly because he was a cute kid, but him and his sister weren't adopted together. Luckily though, the adoptive parents let them see each other. The fire led to Tanaka being mute from lung damage because of the smoke. From what I know, in his first year of middle school he got surgery for it to heal quicker. Though Im not sure, I expect that Tanaka is loud with you because he always had to be quite. Well that's all that I know, I'm glad you all are trying to understand each other! Bye." Mr.Kohichi said before the video ended.
"Woah your amazing Tanaka-Senpai! I can't believe you went through that!! Wait does that mean you learned Jsl?(Japanese sign language) Ooo show me!" Hinata burst out seemingly looking on the bright side because it was getting awkward. Everyone smiled as Tanaka started showing Hinata how to sigh his name.
"Woah that's so cool!!... Tanaka-Senpai can you teach me how to sign Natsu?" Hinata asked.
"Huh? Sure, but who's name is it?" Tanaka asked as everyone was listening to their conversation. Hinata smiled and said, "You'll lean about her in my video." Tanaka nodded and taught him how to sign 'Natsu'.

"Ok everyone, let's see who's next." Takade sensei said making everyone look back at him. Ukai drew a name. It was....

Should I make Natsu dead in this or not?


374 words!

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