The Call

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It's about 12:45 as I sit back down at my desk working at the shrinking hotline can be a chore. Stretching and then taking a sip of my coffee my desk phone rings I take a deep breath clear my throat before answering.
"Hello thank you for calling the shrinking helpline how can I assist you today?"
I try to sound a bit upbeat I found it makes the caller feel better since I know them calling almost always means somethings wrong.


No one responds to me... I wait a few seconds and try again "hello? Is anyone there?" When I got no response I thought maybe it was just a prank call.
But before I could pull the phone away from my ear I swear I could hear some panicked breathing although quiet I could tell it was there.

I wait for almost a minute then.

His voice was quiet soft and trembling he sounded so sweet I felt my heart drop thinking why he must be calling.
"Hey there you are! Can I help you?"

He sounded like he wanted to say something but stoped himself was he scared? was he hurt? These questions poped into my head until I had and idea.

"How about you tell my you're name first?"

No response.
"Want to know mine?"
Although quiet I could get a soft .

"My name is Trisha but you can call me Trish if you like"


"Hi max it's nice to meet you can you tell me why you're calling?"

Nice I was able to get him to open up a bit by giving him my name and showing the talking to me is safe. I let out a silent sigh of relief and listens closely as to not miss what he say cause his soft voice.

I hear a hiccup over the phone the kind that a kid makes as there trying to hold back tears... I could brake any woman's heart.

"I..I'm al...alone and .... scared... I don't want to be alone any.... anymore...."

It takes Him a bit to get through the sentence I could hear his sniffles and hiccups and in his voice I could tell he was crying.

"It's okay it's okay are you lost? Did you loose you're caretaker sweetie?"

"No I don't have one"

This caught me off guard a little one with out a caretaker is very dangerous... I have to collect my thoughts... my goal right now is to keep him on the line until I can get his name and address so I can send the proper people to help him. But he's fragile if I scare him even the tiniest bit he could hang up and won't call again for who knows how long...

I take a deep breath and smile

"So no ones been taking care of you?"


"Well that must mean you're pretty tough hmm?"

"Um....ya.. I..... I guess"

"How old are you sweetly?"

"19 and I'll be..... 20 in October..."
I can hear how nervous he is giving this info to me but he's being very brave.

"Wow I know some men in there 40s who couldn't last a day without there caretaker"


"Yup.... do you take ur medication?"
This was an important question if it's no he's in more danger then I thought to begin with.

"Ya.... I don't like the taste tho..."

"I bet it tastes pretty bad... why don't you tell me what's you're favorite food what tastes yummy?"
Phew he takes his medicine that's a relief. Now I'll turn the conversation into something he likes so he doesn't dwell on the bad.

"I like strawberry milkshakes..."

"That's nice.... sweetie we're are you now?"

"I'm.... at home.."

"Can you tell me we're home is?"

I get a little nervous I asked to soon now I might scare him off.


He says so quiet it might ass well be a whisper.

"Yes sweetie?"

"What's gonna happen...... if I tell you....."
Should I lie to him or should I tell him I'll call the local caretaker association...

"When you tell me I'm gonna make a quick phone call and some people are gonna come help you... they won't hurt you and I'll stay on the phone with you until they get there okay bud?"

My hands a sweaty I can tell I'm griping the phone very tightly. In my mind I'm praying to god or anyone watching don't let this boy hang up let me help him. I'm squeezing my eyes shut I can feel tears swell as I think he's going to hang up...

But in a shy soft voice I hear him give his address.

"Th....thank you max I'll be right back I need you to wait a few minutes okay"

"Yes ma'am"

I put him on hold and before calling the caretaker Association I hold my heart and let out a loud sigh
"Thank you god....thank you"

I dial the caretaker Association number and inform them of max and his situation.

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