Meet Brook

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The door opens to reveal a woman the same height as Amanda she's wearing a black t-shirt with what I think is a band and jeans her hair is short and black. She looks like she's in her late 20s maybe? she smiles sweetly at Amanda and then down to me I gulp and try and hide myself more behind Amanda.
God I must look so pathetic...

"Hello you must be max"

She crouches down to meet my eyes level but I look to the left... Amanda hands her my bag and crouches down giving my a tight hug. I'm a little shocked and let out a eep when she did.

"Alright you be good I'll be back soon to check up on you cutie okay?"

I hug her back and whisper
" okay......thanks.... for helping me..."

She smiles and pats my head she walks backwards to the car waving the hole time she walks I wave back.

When she drives away I feel scared again. Afraid to turn around but I be strong.... like Trisha said I'm strong. I turn around and see brook move over to the side to let me in picking up my back pack... I walk past her into the warm small house. She led me from the entrance to the living room it had nice big sofas that ooomed soft. And was connected to the kitchen.

Finally brook speaks up.
"Okay how about you get comfy on the couch and we can go over the rules"

I mentally groan when she says rules but try to get on the couch. It's a bit tough I can't pull myself up. I really do not have any upper body strength. I sigh and take a quick break from trying. I see brook walk over with her hands out clearly trying to pick me up.

I panic and fall on my back and moving backwards to avoid her hands.

"I'm sorry! I was just trying to help" she says quickly I get up and use all my strength the pull myself up and I do it...

She claps softly

And I blush
"I didn't need your help" I sit crisscrossed and look away

"Oh....well okay then... would you like me to get you anything from the kitchen?"

I shake my head weakly

She walks to the kitchen out of sight and I let out a soft sigh.

I have to move to the kitchen for a sec to collect my thought...


the way he try's to act tough and in control his blush it's just so! Ahhhhhhhh! I love it I've been on the caretaker list for ages and it was so worth the wait.

I gather myself... but he's very scared just me reaching for him scared him a lot.... I'll stick with the plan I'll lay down some ground rules this way he has some order and feels more comfortable with letting me take control.

I grab pen paper and a book to write on along with the list of rules a wrote out earlier. I walk out to the living room to see him curled up in the corner of the couch with the sofa blanket I left out. He looks so cute and comfortable. But I feel bad he sees me come in and tenses up. I sit next to him but a bit far away so has his space and won't feel intimidated.

"Miss me?"
I say and he looks at me shocked and a crimson blush fills his cheeks as he quickly shakes his head no causing me to chuckle.

"So I'm brook and I'm gonna be you're caretaker I've heard a bit about you so I'll tell you a bit about me. I'm a writer and I love gardening and cute stuff my favorite color is red and my favorite season is winter."

I say this stuff to try and make him feel at ease by opening up a bit

"I want you to know that I want what's best for you and even if you don't agree with something I do or say I hope you know it's because I want to help... now I have some house rules I wanna go over with you. These are here to make you safe and feel more comfortable not being in control"

" I can....... take care of myself..."
His soft whimper make me sad but he's not telling the truth

"Sweetie I know you think you can but I promise you'll love it..."


"Relaxing... I shouldn't say this but... they told me what you've been through..."

He looks away but I could tell he was about to start crying

I got off the couch and on my knees taking his hand which makes him look at me into my eyes. I look into his emerald green eyes and see years of being alone and being scared... just a little boy wanting to feel safe.

"I know this is embarrassing and weird... it's a scary thing loosing control... but I promise if you let me take control for you it will feel a lot better.. a lot les stressful. And a lot more comfortable.... so will you please try for..... for me?"

He looks into my eyes and thinks for a bit a weakly nods his head

I smile and hug him

"Thank you"

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